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‘Sister Wives’: Kody Brown Says He Sometimes Becomes a ‘Warrior’ and ‘Not a Good Husband’ In His Marriages; Christine Brown Calls Him a ‘Bully’

Kody and Robyn Brown fought yet again over renting or buying a home in Flagstaff on the Mar. 22 episode of TLC's 'Sister Wives,' 'Robyn vs. Kody.' During the episode, Kody even took to Twitter to air out more of his frustrations with his fourth wife.

Kody Brown has been at odds with his fourth wife, Robyn Brown, throughout TLC’s Sister Wives Season 14. Robyn accused Kody of “breaking his promises” and letting her down after the Brown family moved from Las Vegas to Flagstaff.

When Robyn’s rental was sold by the owner, she wanted to move her five children to another rental to avoid delaying the whole family’s move out to Coyote Pass, their communal property in Arizona. But Kody insisted it wasn’t a renter’s market and that they had to buy immediately.

On the Mar. 22 episode of Sister Wives, “Robyn vs. Kody,” the polygamist couple’s argument came to a head as they arrived at an impasse. Kody took to Twitter to call himself a “warrior” in the wake of his massive fight with his youngest wife. Meanwhile, his third wife, Christine Brown, called him out on social media for his behavior.

Kody Brown
Kody Brown | Denise Truscello/Getty Images for Global Gaming Expo

Robyn and Kody were at each other’s throats as their fight about buying vs. renting escalated

During the latest episode of Sister Wives, Robyn admitted she was having trouble trusting Kody in recent months. “I don’t want to insult him, but I don’t know how to make sense of his thought process,” the Sister Wives star confessed.

While Robyn was willing to move to Arizona for the greater good of the family, she explained, Kody hadn’t come through with his promises to bring them all together on one piece of real estate. “Our family culture is just eroding,” she cried, “and I feel like I’m contributing to that by being okay at all with the idea of buying a house.”

As Kody and Robyn continued to fight during the house hunting process about renting or buying, the Sister Wives patriarch said things were beyond urgent. “We are running on borrowed time right now,” Kody said, adding that he and Robyn were fighting more than they ever had before. “We’re in a state of anger with each other,” he admitted.

Kody said he was ‘having a hard time’ being a good husband to Robyn

Kody told Sister Wives producers that the dire situation and constant stress had left him feeling unable to be empathetic with Robyn anymore. She said he was getting “really pushy” about having his way, while he insisted that it only his protectiveness towards his family that was making him come across as so harsh and aggressive.

“I’m having a hard time not getting really stupid,” Kody explained of his fight with Robyn, “and when I get really uncomfortable, I’m not a good husband. I cross the point of no return. And I’m trying to stay kind throughout this process. I’m angry, and I’m scared, and that doesn’t make for a good person.”

Robyn knew that Kody wanted her to finally accept his decision and go along with it, but the 41-year-old mom of five said she just wasn’t ready. “He wants me to lay down my sword and stop fighting with him,” she cried in desperation. “But I don’t know how. I can’t. I just can’t.”

The ‘Sister Wives’ star took to Twitter to call himself a ‘warrior’

Kody took to Twitter as the Sister Wives episode aired to share more of his marital frustrations. “For the life of me, I really didn’t know why @LuvgvsUwngs [Robyn] wouldn’t budge on this,” he wrote. “I was literally losing my mind. I see her acquiescing here a little, but it is breaking her heart.”

In another, even more telling tweet, Kody admitted that he sometimes felt pushed to the edge and driven to demand his way when things got tough or stressful in his four marriages. “My sweet ladies don’t understand that when a warrior goes to war, ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ exits,” he explained on Twitter. “This situation feels like ‘war!’ Retrospectively I realize that kindness would accomplish more. The stress of the situation over so many months has weakened my goodness.”

Some fans weren’t buying it and warned the polygamist dad of 18 about pushing his wives too far. “When the bear moms come out, who do you think will win?” one Sister Wives viewer wrote to Kody in response.

Another fan thought Kody wasn’t being protective, just rude. “It’s called a bad temper,” the Twitter user argued.

Even Christine, Kody’s third wife, called him out for his pushy and unyielding attitude on Twitter. “Wow! @realkodybrown you look like a bully!” she wrote during the episode. “I know you’re not trying to but man, go easy on my sister wife.”