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During the most recent Sister Wives tell-all episode, Robyn Brown, Kody’s fourth wife, repeatedly sobbed over Christine Brown’s decision to walk away from the famous family. It would be easy for viewers who were just joining in to assume Christine and Robyn were particularly close. After all, Meri Brown and Janelle Brown weren’t sobbing over the third wife’s departure from the family. Fans who have spent a decade following the Brown family strongly believe the opposite is true. In fact, there is evidence to suggest Robyn iced Christine out early on in her plural marriage. They certainly didn’t grow closer with time, either. 

Robyn Brown’s addition to the family wasn’t comfortable for everyone 

The Brown family is falling apart. One wife has left, the kids appear to be picking sides, and two more wives seem to be teetering on the edge. While Robyn Brown might not be the actual reason, Sister Wives fans largely suspect her arrival changed the family dynamic and made preexisting issues more obvious. 

Whether Robyn is to blame or not, TLC cameras have captured plenty of moments of discomfort. Not only did Christine Brown hint at trouble way back in season 4, but the Brown kids didn’t seem to bond with Robyn as they did with the rest of the family. Robyn also wasn’t comfortable with too much familial involvement. The existence of a babysitter back in season 8 and a nanny now highlight that issue. 

Robyn Brown iced Christine out when she hired a babysitter

Christine might have opposed adding a fourth wife to the family initially, but she eventually went along with it. Christine, however, seemed to feel particularly hurt when it became obvious that Robyn Brown didn’t want or need Christine near her children. A Reddit user unearthed a season 8 clip that demonstrates that Christine felt iced out. 

'Sister Wives' stars, Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, Kody Brown, Meri Brown and Robyn Brown attend a 25th anniversary celebration for Hard Rock Cafe in 2015
The cast of ‘Sister Wives’ | Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images

In a group interview, Christine noted that she enjoyed helping raise her sister wives’ children and felt particularly rejected when Robyn opted to hire a babysitter instead of relying on Christine. Christine, who has been credited as the family’s “primary caregiver,” said that she wondered why she and the rest of the family weren’t “good enough.” 

Viewers suspect that Robyn’s decision wasn’t really about Christine being “good enough.” to help out with her kids. Instead, they theorize that Robyn purposefully iced out Christine because she didn’t want the rest of the Browns too involved in her home life. Kody has spent most of the pandemic staying in Robyn’s home and seemingly living as a monogamous man.

Christine Brown still seems salty about Robyn’s preference for outside help 

Christine has had a lot to say about Kody in the most recent season of Sister Wives. In fact, fans have praised her for being honest and expressing herself. Still, she’s chosen not to disparage her sister wives. When tell-all host, Sukanya Krishnan, mentioned Robyn, Christine was kind. She even complimented Robyn, saying she is “very sweet.” Still, viewers aren’t entirely convinced Christine doesn’t harbor some hard feelings.


‘Sister Wives’: Janelle Brown and Christine Brown Both Predicted the Family’s Breakdown Years Ago

In season 16, Christine posed some pretty big questions. In a moment of frustration, she questioned, “what does the nanny do?” when she learned a nanny was allowed in Robyn’s house, but the family was not. While the question was absolutely valid, some viewers wonder if she was so offended by the nanny because of Robyn’s past behavior.