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When it comes to the Sister Wives family, there’s plenty of drama to go around. This is especially true of Meri Brown and her relationship with the family. Many fans have been speculating that Brown is on the way out, given her recent Instagram posts. Now, some fans are theorizing that Meri Brown has been sabotaging the family since Robyn Brown joined up. Meanwhile, it seems as if Kody Brown may be getting sick of the drama with Meri Brown. 

Kody Brown feels tired of the fighting

Ever since Kody Brown began floating the idea of moving his entire family into a single house, things have not gone well. The idea caused several rifts among family members, predominantly with Kody Brown winding up on the outs. 

Now, Kody is saying he’s fed up with the fighting, and that he often feels ganged up against. 

“When I was younger, it used to be a lot of pleasure to me when I’d see my wives goofing off and playing and having fun together. I’m jaded, I guess,” Kody told Sister Wives producers during a February episode.

“I just don’t see plural marriage in the same light that I used to. I’m struggling with plural marriage and I’m struggling with my wives and I’m struggling with their conflict. We’re at a stage in our lives now where we’re far apart and we’re struggling with getting along,” he added. 

Kody then suggested that things have been adversarial lately between himself and his wives. 

“It’s me or them. [For example,] ‘Well, my sister wife doesn’t like this one house idea, so I’m gonna side with her instead of my husband,’” he explained.

Meri Brown posts cryptic Instagram messages

Meri Brwon, Janelle Brown, Kody Brown, Christine Brown, and Robyn Brown of Sister Wives
Meri Brwon, Janelle Brown, Kody Brown, Christine Brown, and Robyn Brown of Sister Wives | Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Kody Brown isn’t the only member of the family that seems dissatisfied, however. In fact, Meri Brown has been posting increasingly cryptic messages about love, self-care, and finding her own way. 

“Don’t confuse someone’s inability to love with you being unlovable,” the Sister Wives star posted to her Instagram story recently. 

She also recently posted a photo that read, “I don’t care how long it takes me, I’m going somewhere beautiful.”

Sister Wives fans have also noticed that Meri has been without her Claddagh ring in recent Instagram photos — the ring is a major sign of commitment and love in the Brown family.

‘Sister Wives’ fans think Meri Brown sabotaged the family

Janelle Brown, Meri Brown, Kody Brown, and Christine Brown Sister Wives
Janelle Brown, Meri Brown, Kody Brown, and Christine Brown Sister Wives | Ethan Miller/Getty Images for AEG Live

‘Sister Wives’: Is Nonstop Fighting Causing Kody Brown to Lose Interest in Polygamy?

While many Sister Wives fans seem to feel sympathy for Meri Brown as she distances herself from Kody Brown, others think she’s been wilfully negative towards the family, and perhaps that she’s even sabotaged some relationships on purpose. 

“I feel bad for Meri for the whole catfish situation, that wasn’t her fault at all but in saying that she complains about feeling left out of the family unit and not knowing where her place is but she has definitely done it to herself. She is, in general, a very cold and not-welcoming person. Whenever they have adult conversations and she doesn’t get her own way she storms out and slams the door, like a child being told to go to their room,” theorized one Redditor

Of the catfish situation in which Meri Brown sought solace with another man, one Redditor suggested she could have done something else. 

“I do not feel bad for her in the sense that she was meeting a ‘man’ outside of her ‘marriage.’ She could have left Kody instead of sneaking around. Having said that I do feel bad for her in the sense that she needs to seek an outside relationship with another ‘man’ because she doesn’t feel secure or loved in her ‘marriage,’” added the commenter. 

Another user theorized that Meri Brown brought Robyn Brown into the equation to stir things up and have another person on her side. 

“I kind of always felt Meri brought her in because she was on the outs and knew it. And she felt the other wives had ‘won.’ So she wanted to sabotage them,” they suggested.