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Christine Brown’s daughter, Gwendlyn Brown, reveals some insight about her relationship with her father, Kody Brown. The 21-year-old Sister Wives star revealed the huge fight she had with Kody about this dead president.

Kody Brown is seated in a confessional interview for "Sister Wives."
Kody Brown | TLC/YouTube

Gwendlyn says Kody was never an ‘active’ dad

On Gwendlyn’s Patreon, she posted her reaction to Sister Wives Season 17, Episode 6 ‘Telling Truely.’ In the episode, Gwendlyn’s sister, Ysabel Brown, talks about her strained relationship with her dad. Kody is oblivious as to why Ysabel is closed off from him. “She’s probably hurt that you weren’t very active in her childhood,” Gwendlyn commented.

In the episode, Kody blamed Christine for poisoning the minds of their six children against him. Gwendlyn sets the record straight and calls Kody’s accusation false. “That’s not true,” she said.

Gwendlyn said that it was the other way around and that their kids were trying to convince their mom to leave Kody. “We probably dislike our father more than she does,” she said. Gwendlyn believes it’s “not fair” for her dad to blame Christine for the bad relationships when “he’s the one who’s not showing up.” Gwendlyn doesn’t believe it’s her mom’s fault. “It’s not her fault. It’s not my fault, either. It’s dad’s fault,” she concluded.

Gwendlyn and Kody argue about Andrew Jackson

In the Q&A at the end of the reaction video, Gwendlyn shares a strange story about how he and Kody argue about a former president. “One time, he and I got into the weirdest argument about Andrew Jackson.”

Gwendlyn told her dad that Andrew Jackson was a “weird president” and a “messed up guy” because he was responsible for the Trail of Tears. Jackson was the president who passed the Indian Removal act of 1830, which resulted in the Trail of Tears, the deadly route used by Native Americans when forced off their ancestral lands and into Oklahoma, which resulted in at least 4,000 deaths.

According to Gwendlyn, she and her father argued about whether or not former president Andrew Jackson was a good man or not. “And dad was like, ‘You’re a terrible daughter. Why would you say that? He was an amazing president. I was like, ‘Ok.’ And he yelled at me and ran out,” she recounted.

“And so I start crying. I’m like, ‘Why doesn’t my father love me?’ And my mom was just sitting there, probably after already having decided she was going to divorce him. She is like, ‘Yeah, I’m sorry you don’t have a really good relationship with your father,'” Gwendlyn concluded.

Gwendlyn was the most ‘verbal’ about Kody’s absence

Disagreement regarding handling the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused Kody to separate from Christine, Janelle, and their children. Gwendlyn admitted she didn’t let her father off the hook for abandoning them. Out of all of Christine’s children, Gwendlyn said that she was “probably the most verbal” about Kody “not being active in [their] lives.”

Gwendlyn Brown sitting on a couch during an interview for 'Sister Wives' on TLC.
Gwendlyn Brown, ‘Sister Wives’ | TLC

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“I’m probably the worst one in the situation because I complained all the time about how my dad hadn’t showed up,” she said. Gwendlyn said that when Kody did come around, he’d complain about her dog, Noel, not recognizing him, and she’d call him out for being absent.

“I complained about it so much. It was really excessive. A lot of the time, I’d be like, ‘I don’t even want to be around him if he doesn’t want to be around me,'” she said.

Sister Wives fans are grateful for Gwendlyn being so transparent about her familial relationships. Her experience definitely helps provide context to season 17 ahead of season 18.