‘South Park’ Creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker Were Going To Show up to the Oscars Wearing Giant Duck Outfits
If anyone is going to be caught wearing silly costumes to the Academy Awards, it’s South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker. The masterminds behind the comedy central series are known for their shocking sense of humor, and they love nothing more than going against the grain.
So in the year 2000, when Parker was nominated for an award, the South Park writers decided to attend the ceremony in the most outlandish costumes they could find. And although they ended up wearing gowns, they initially planned on wearing “giant duck outfits.”

Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to the Oscars in dresses while on acid
In a typical rebellious fashion, Parker and Stone attended the Oscars wearing gowns while on acid. But they weren’t your typical gowns. The South Park writers attended the award ceremony wearing replicas of Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez’s dresses from the year before.
“The Oscars is kind of everything we’re against,” said Parker during an interview with Conan O’Brien. “So we were thinking, what should we wear? Should we wear chicken outfits? Or pirate costumes? The academy awards should be like a costume ball,” said Parker. “It would be a lot more fun.”
The ‘South Park’ writers were going to wear giant duck outfits to the Oscars
During the documentary titled The Making of ‘South Park’: Six Days to Air, Parker and Stone talked about the “magical” night.
“Trey got nominated for ‘Blame Canada’,” recalls Stone. “And I think I went as your date, right?” He asks Parker.
Adorably, Parker asked Stone to be his date to the award show. And, of course, the comedic duo had to go in the most outrageous costumes they could find.
“We talked about big duck outfits,” said Parker. “And if we’re going in these big duck costumes, then they have a reason not to let us in. But if we’re wearing what everyone else is wearing, then they really can’t say ‘you can’t come in.’”

“I also remember just having to sit there in the actual Oscars,” recalls Parker. “And we were coming down from the acid. So we were simultaneously coming down, and you’re now having to sit through the Oscars… which f*cking suck.”
“There were people there who were like, ‘Dude. This is my big night. F*ck you,’” says Stone. “And that was the funniest thing to us, because we were like ‘Really?’ Come on, this is such bullsh*t. It’s Hollywood, like, let’s rock! You know?”
“But we don’t have any friends anymore,” he continues. “I wonder why…”
Did Trey Parker win the Oscar?

Parker was nominated for his song “Blame Canada” from Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. But his song ultimately lost to Phil Collins, who had composed the Tarzan soundtrack that year. And as Parker and Stone reveal, Collins was not happy about the two showing up in dresses. Apparently, he actively showcased how angry he was during the award ceremony.
And in response, Parker and Stone made an entire South Park episode making fun of Collins, called “Timmy! 2000.”