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The cast of Southern Charm may have money, but even bigger than their wallets is their list of problems. From custody battles to messy breakups and drug addictions, the cast is certainly no stranger to adversity.

Craig Conover has certainly had his share of issues. When we were first introduced to Conover, he was touting himself as a lawyer. But by season three, his castmates began to question his profession. It was then revealed that Conover never actually took the bar exam because he failed to turn in his final paper in law school. He did eventually take the bar, but all of his lying did nothing to help his image.

The reunion

Bravo reunions are always crazy. They allow the cast to finally come together after watching the show and address anything that they feel needs to be said.

Conover thought the toughest part of this season’s reunion for him would be seeing his ex Naomie Olindo. The two may have broken up over a year ago, but the animosity between them remained for a while.

“I love her and hate her at the same time,” he said at Cameran Eubanks party this season. “We thought we were going to get married. Of course, I loved her.”

“We can’t be around each other because we never f***ing closed anything,” he said later. “That’s why we can’t be a foot away from each other without her f***ing darting out the door. It’s easier for her to act like it never happened.”

But apparently, seeing Olindo was the easiest part of the reunion.

“I thought it might be awkward between Naomi and I … and fortunately it was really good,” he told People of the reunion. “We were kind of a team and support each other and both said some really nice things to each other.”

Conover’s drug abuse

There had been some rumors going around that Conover was addicted to ADD medication for a while, but he had never owned up to it. He chose to use the reunion as a chance to finally come clean.

“I actually choose to be honest about something that I wasn’t sure if I was going to be honest about, which is just kind of something that I took in law school and was prescribed to and everything,” he told the outlet. “And then should have stopped taking it after law school.”

When host Andy Cohen brought up that Conover looked healthier in the Bahamas this season, the reality star felt like he needed to be honest.

“Andy was asking me why I was so much healthier in the Bahamas and I stopped in the Bahamas,” he said of taking the medication. “And now, I’ve stopped again and just this ADD medicine or whatever and I talk about that on the reunion.”

“That was kind of a moment where I was like, ‘You know what, I’ve been honest the past few years and been completely transparent’ and I kind of just went with it,” he said. “So once that was over, I got to kind of sit back and have fun and laugh at everyone else.”