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Netflix’s most globally successful K-drama, Squid Game, is underway developing its second season. Director Hwang Dong-hyuk has previously confirmed the return of leading characters like Seong Gi-hun and the allusive Front Man. Fans have to wait a while for Squid Game Season 2 to premiere, but Hwang reveals they can look forward to even better games the players have to endure.

Character Seong Gi-hun in 'Squid Game' during tug of war games
Character Seong Gi-hun in ‘Squid Game’ | via Netflix

Director Hwang Dong-hyuk does not want to give away secrets about ‘Squid Game’ Season 2

With Squid Game Season 2 estimated to be premiere in 2024, Hwang has given a few teasers here and there to hold over fans. He has previously revealed the new season will bring back Gi-hun, and he will focus on exposing and learning more about the Games’ creators.

It can be assumed that Squid Game Season 2 will occur after the first season’s cliffhanger finale. With the news that Front Man will return, fans are eager to see if Gi-hun will look into his backstory and how he became a handler. In a recent interview with The Playlist, Hwang revealed another teaser.

The director discussed the massive production of bringing childhood games to life on-screen. Hwang reveals more about the games for Squid Game Season 2, “Yes, there are some, however, I don’t want to give any spoilers, so all I’ll say is there are going to be new games, even better games than the first season, that await.”

The small teaser gives away more than Hwang realizes and gets the ball rolling on possible theories for the season. Fans might wonder if the games in question occur in the present with Gi-hun or in the past.

Will ‘Squid Game’ Season 2’s new games be connected to Gi-hun or Front Man?

While Hwang did not want to give away spoilers, he inadvertently started a chain reaction of inquiries. The childhood games turned into a battle for survival is the crux of the K-drama. Fans saw how Hwang was able to turn games such as “Red Light, Green Light” into a blood bath. A simple marbles game turned into one of the K-drama’s biggest betrayals and major characters’ deaths.

If Hwang is stating Squid Game Season 2 will have better games; this might imply a few storyline theories. Gi-hun wants to destroy the Games. He might have to become a player again and stop them from the inside. It also implies that the creators are still running the games in South Korea or another part of the world.

A possible storyline theory could involve Front Man. Gi-hun might look into his backstory and why he joined the Games and became its enforcer. The new games Hwang might be referring to could be the games Front Man had to survive to win.

‘Squid Game’ creator explains creating the games was the hardest part of the K-drama


‘Squid Game’: The Twist Ending Explained and More

While Squid Game became Netflix’s biggest success, creating it was not easy for Hwang. It was his first K-drama after a career of working in movies. He explains the biggest challenge was developing games and those that technically do not exist.

“I would say personally, writing the games was the most difficult challenge as a writer, and the biggest challenge among the games was definitely the glass bridge. It was because it was not a game that really existed, I had to create the whole thing, and I had to create each element of the game in terms of who goes when, the order of the way people cross the bridge, why Gi-hun ends up being number 16, and how each character, from number one to 13, how they all die. I had to come up with all of those different stories on my own, and it required a lot of ideas.”

Hwang admits the first season was difficult and never expected how hard it would be to create. Despite Squid Game being a success, the second season still poses a challenge, and Hwang feels the pressure once again.