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Star Wars Day is a pivotal pop culture holiday that the franchise’s longtime fans continue to celebrate. However, it certainly extends past the movies themselves. Star Wars actor Mark Hamill played Luke Skywalker, so he understands how to properly celebrate this special day in style. The actor recently took to social media to properly meme this pop culture moment.

How did May the 4th become Star Wars Day?

'Star Wars' actor Mark Hamill standing in front of lit up logo wearing a black coat
Mark Hamill | Rich Fury/Getty Images

The term “May the 4th” is an obvious play on words with the iconic Star Wars line “may the force be with you.” Jedi masters commonly say this legendary phrase. However, the holiday has an origin to it.

According to ABC, Star Wars Day goes back to Margaret Thatcher’s victory in the election to become Britain’s first female prime minister. As a result, her political party had a half-page advertisement printed in the May 4, 1979 issue of The London Evening News that read, “May the Fourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations!”

Fans celebrated the unofficial holiday for years until 2019. California lawmakers voted to officially make May 4 Star Wars Day. The legacy that Hamill and his co-stars left with Star Wars extended into Disneyland’s Galaxy Edge around the same point in time.

Mark Hamill posted Star Wars Day memes leading up to May the 4th

Hamill took to Twitter to share his excitement around Star Wars Day starting with the first day of May. He has posted a different meme each day of the month thus far, engaging with his fans around the world.

On May 1, Hamill tweeted a hilarious image of what could happen if a Star Wars lightsaber isn’t properly handled. The status reads, “May The First Not Be The Worst With You.”

On May 2, the actor tweeted a short video of himself looking in disbelief. The status reads, “May The Second You Get Home Call So I Don’t Worry.”

Hamill switched things up a little bit for May 3, as he shared a YouTube video of The Trashmen’s “The Bird is the Word.” The status reads, “May The Third Word Be Bird Bird Bird Bird Is The Word.” But, he followed it up with the tweet, “May The Third Word Be ‘Third.'”

Finally, Hamill celebrated Star Wars day on May 4 with another tweet. It includes original poster art with the comment, “May The Fourth Be Just Another Random Day To Some… But We Know Better.”

Mark Hamill pokes fun at ‘de-aging technology’


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Star Wars Day isn’t the only time that Hamill is having some fun on social media involving the huge movie franchise. He took to his Twitter to post an image of himself waving at the camera with an image of a younger version of himself photoshopped in. The status reads, “Gotta admit de-aging technology just gets better & better every day.”

However, the actor’s fans are responding with a whole lot of positivity. Some of them responded that he aged “like fine wine,” so de-aging technology isn’t necessary for him. Nevertheless, The Mandalorian used this technology to bring a young Luke back to the story.