Stella McCartney Named Her Favorite Beatles Song and It’s From ‘The White Album’
Paul McCartney‘s daughter, Stella McCartney, has become a fashion designer who’s famous in her own right. She once named her favorite songs. One was a song from The Beatles’ The White Album and another was a Beatles cover. Interestingly, she discussed how music influences her as a fashion designer.
Stella McCartney praised a song from The Beatles’ ‘The White Album’ for being poetic
During a 2017 interview with the BBC, McCartney discussed her favorite songs of all time. They included Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” Talking Heads’ “Road to Nowhere,” George Michael’s “Faith,” David Bowie’s “Starman,” The Beach Boys’ “God Only Knows,” Phyllis Dillon’s cover of The Beatles’ “Something,” and Louis Armstrong’s “A Kiss to Build a Dream On.” Classic rock apparently means a lot to her!
The only Fab Four original she put on the list was The Beatles’ “Blackbird” from The White Album. “I’m really proud of Dad that he wrote it at such a young age, he had this sort of incredible vision to understand politics, to understand poetry,” she added.
“Blackbird” is difficult to play live. McCartney noted that her father removed the tune from his setlist before she convinced him to change his mind. “I was really happy that he put it back in,” she revealed. In her opinion, her dad adding the tune back into his live sets showed off his confidence as an artist.
Stella McCartney also said she can’t pick a favorite song by the Fab Four
During a 2016 interview with Seattle Refined, McCartney was asked if she had a favorite Beatles tune. “There’s no way I can pick just one, there [are] just so many,” she said.
Despite this, McCartney had plenty to say about the role music plays in her life as a fashion designer. “Our [fashion] shows are known for having great music,” she said. “Our new menswear line [it hasn’t launched yet] has music-inspired elements.
“Music is in my blood, I could get really deep with this but I won’t because it could turn into a therapy session,” she added. “Music inspires me in so many ways, but one thing I don’t like is when people play music in the workroom, I find it really distracting.”
Paul McCartney revealed what he was thinking when he wrote The Beatles’ ‘Blackbird’
In the 1997 book Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now, Paul discussed the origin of “Blackbird.” He said the tune was inspired by a piece by classical composer Johann Sebastian Bach. He did not know the name of the piece in question. Paul revealed he was a big fan of Bach because he felt like his compositions resembled The Beatles’, though he wasn’t sure why he felt that way.
Paul said the lyrics of “Blackbird” were inspired by the civil rights movement. Perhaps that’s why his daughter considered it a political song. Despite its social roots, Paul decided to keep the tune vague and metaphorical so fans could apply it to their own lives.
“Blackbird” is one of Paul’s greatest ballads and his daughter sees the beauty of it.