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Stevie Nicks recently celebrated the homecoming of Brittney Griner, and fans are having mixed reactions to the Fleetwood Mac star’s post about the basketball player. Here’s what Nicks wrote and what fans said about it. 

Composite photo of Stevie Nicks and Brittney Griner.
(L-R) Stevie Nicks and Brittney Griner | Gregg DeGuire/WireImage; Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images Sport

Stevie Nicks celebrated Brittney Griner’s homecoming on Instagram

On Dec. 8, Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks shared an Instagram post celebrating the homecoming of Brittney Griner.

“Welcome home Brittney Griner!” Nicks wrote. “I found out at 5:30 this morning that you were ‘in the air’ on your way home.”

The Fleetwood Mac singer shared how emotional she was about Griner’s release. “I am crying, seriously, and just so happy that you have been released,” she wrote. “You are free – today is a beautiful day… Love Stevie Nicks.”

In the comments section of her post, Nicks simply tagged Griner.

Stevie Nicks fans are having mixed reactions to the Fleetwood Mac star’s Instagram post about Brittney Griner

Fans of Stevie Nicks are divided on the Fleetwood Mac singer’s post about Brittney Griner, and they sounded off in the comments section of her Instagram post celebrating the basketball star’s homecoming. Some loved the show of support for Griner, while others attacked Nicks for her post.

“It’s great she’s free but what about the soldier that is still over there?????????” wrote one fan, while another commented, “Traded for the Merchant Of Death. The cost will be in thousands of innocent lives.”

“That’s what happens when you’re famous. The average person who broke the law in another country would still be suffering the consequences,” said one fan. “Plus don’t get me started on all the military personnel who can’t come home because their [sic] imprisoned. I see a basketball player’s life is more valuable than out [sic] military.”

Some didn’t want Nicks to comment on politics at all.” We have enough politicians out there already,” said one fan. “We prefer seeing music on your page.”

But many defended the “Rhiannon” singer. “Can everyone just lay off Stevie Nicks for Christ sake!!!” wrote one fan. “It seems the gesture wishing someone well is turning into a crime over there. God help us. Also Stevie just lost one [of] her best friends in the world last week ……lay off, give it [a] break [and] spread some love people.”

And another fan commented, “‘But what about xyz?!’ Can’t we just be happy that this HUMAN BEING will be home with her loved ones? Yuuuuck to the ugly comments [vomit emoji] (Stevie, you’re a saint [red heart emoji]).”

The basketball player was recently released after being held in Russia for months

On Dec. 8th, American basketball player and two-time Olympic gold medallist Brittney Griner was released from Russian custody. She had been detained for nearly 10 months on drug-possession charges for bringing less than a gram of cannabis oil into the country. She pled guilty to the charges and was sentenced to nine years in prison. 

In exchange for Griner, Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer serving a twenty-five-year prison sentence in the United States, was released. 

The famous athlete’s sentencing and homecoming have been controversial topics in the US. Per The New Yorker, “Some activists had feared that, in the midst of a foreign conflict, Griner’s identity – she is Black and queer – would make her a low priority for US diplomatic efforts.”

As evidenced by the comments section of Stevie Nicks’ Instagram post, many have claimed that the exchange for Griner was uneven, and that releasing Bout could endanger many lives. Others have criticized the deal for prioritizing Griner over military prisoners.