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After years of working as a musician, surviving eras marred by drugs, alcohol, and heartbreak, Stevie Nicks continues to write and perform music. At 73, she’s still on top of her game. Two decades ago, when Nicks was approaching her 50th birthday, she shared how she thought she survived for so many years and why she was content with life.

Stevie Nicks | Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Stevie Nicks has always been a spiritual person

Though Nicks is not a witch, as many believe she is, she does believe in some forms of magic. She shared that this impacts the way that she performs and lives her life.

“Having a little bit of the spiritual is ultimately better than having none,” she told Interview Magazine in 1998, per The Nicks Fix. “For me, the whole idea of twirling around in chiffon onstage is a whole lot more fun than standing there in a straight dress that doesn’t move. A long, long time ago I decided I was going to have a kind of mystical presence, so I made my clothes, my boots, my hair, and my whole being go with that.”

Though this impacts her performing style, she says it is not a persona that she made up when she joined Fleetwood Mac. It’s the way she’s always been.

“It wasn’t something I just made up at that point,” she explained. “It’s the way I’ve always been. I’ve always believed in good witches-not bad witches-and fairies and angels.”

She shared how she thinks she’s survived after difficult years

Nicks also believes that her survival, after many difficult years, is due to the metaphysical.

“I just get through everything,” she said. “It’s like, I’m still here. I’m still standing after all these years.”

She asserted her belief in a benevolent force that helped her through tough times.

“I think there is definitely a God,” she said. “I think there was definitely an angel with me all the way through the bad times. Somebody keeping me safe. I feel very spiritual now. I really believe that God makes my music good and makes me able to deliver it and makes me able to not look or feel fifty.”

She attributes her contentedness with life to outside help.

“I mean, there has to be some outside help — this can’t all be happening on its own,” she said. “I feel like my life is pretty damn good right now.”

Stevie Nicks believes that her mother has helped her from beyond the grave

Years after this, Nicks shared her belief that she has received help from her mother even after her death

“Some people are really afraid of dying, but I’m not,” she told The Guardian. “I’ve always believed in spiritual forces. I absolutely know that my mom is around all the time.”

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She notices her mother’s presence when she’s lost something. After searching fruitlessly, she’ll ask her mother for help. She says that once she does, she finds the item nearly immediately.

“It’s so real and creepy, and I always just go ‘Thank you, Barbara,’” she told the LA Times. “I sometimes feel I have more of a relationship with my mom since she’s been dead than I did before she died.”