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Carl Radke from Summer House now knows that getting romantically involved with his best friend was probably not the best idea. He and Lindsay Hubbard opened the season trying to navigate new waters after they hooked up one night.

Amanda Batula, Lindsay Hubbard, Carl Radke, Hannah Berner
Amanda Batula, Lindsay Hubbard, Carl Radke, Hannah Berner |Ralph Bavaro/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

But once the two decided they would give a romantic relationship a shot, Radke got cold feet and abruptly decided he still wanted to play the field. Meanwhile, Hubbard made it clear she wants to be married and have children. Although Radke wanted to come clean to Hubbard, fear stopped him. Instead, he decided to ask out their personal trainer. Yikes.

Hubbard does not seem happy with Radke as a preview shows they are hardly speaking to each other. Apparently Radke gets blackout drunk one night and hurls mean comments Hubbard’s way.

Are they friends (or more)?

Fans are pretty confident that Radke and Hubbard are not dating. Hubbard has shared a number of photos on Instagram with a new man in her life. She seems extremely happy as her boyfriend Stephen Traversie has assimilated nicely into the Summer House crew. “My modern family,” Hubbard wrote along with a photo with Traversie, Radke and others.

Radke seems to be remorseful about how the couple’s test drive worked out with Hubbard. “So here we are. Friends? Or more than that? Pretty sure dating and relationships are up to the ones doing it,” Radke wrote in an Instagram post along with a photo with Hubbard.

He added, “I love having Lindsay Hubbard in my life. I didn’t handle the situation well at all. But I must say there’s no playbook for any relationship or trying to see if there’s something more with your best friend. Lindsay is an amazing soul. She’s been with me through a lot. I’m lucky to have her in my life and I will never give up trying to be better to her.”

Reality television relationships are a challenge

Radke admitted that dating on camera is tough. “We put ourselves out there big time and having to navigate our situation in front of you is very challenging,” he wrote. “Say whatever you want about us. We made it this far by inspiring and supporting each other. Sending Hubb House a hug and positive vibes. Thanks for putting up with me.”

Hubbard also launched her own Instagram post, urging fans to stop making negative comments about their relationship. She explained where they both were in their life when they started filming.

“Yes, we signed up to share our lives and open ourselves up for judgment,” she added. “We are aware of that, and we’re both very strong people, and can handle that. But what is NOT acceptable are the mean-spirited, nasty, derogatory, bullying messages about him. I truly appreciate everyone being Team Lindsay here, but please give the guy some grace. He owned his s**t and we have both moved on. It took some time and you will continue to see this play out of course. This is a long season, with 14 episodes, and we’re only on episode 5. A LOT happens this season, trust me!”