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Summer House Season 7 returned to Bravo with a bang on Feb. 13. The newest season of the series kicked off with a mix of old and new cast members arriving at their rental house in the Hamptons. Longtime Summer House star Lindsay Hubbard started dating roommate Carl Radke again in 2021, leading to Lindsay attempting to protect Carl’s sobriety journey. However, this came at the cost of Carl’s friendship with roommate Mya Allen.

[WARNING: This article contains detailed spoilers regarding the Summer House Season 7 premiere.]

'Summer House' stars Mya, Carl, and Lindsay in their professional cast shots for season 7
‘Summer House’ stars Mya, Carl, and Lindsay | Cr. Sasha Israel/Bravo

Mya explains the conflict between her and Lindsay in the ‘Summer House’ Season 7 premiere

Carl and Lindsay are the last to arrive at the house in the first episode, which means the other roommates have a chance to air out all their grievances with the couple before they arrive. When newcomer Gabby Prescod inquires about the relationships in the house, Mya hints at some tension between herself and Lindsay.

Referring to her friendship with Carl, Mya tells Amanda, Paige, and Gabby, “We haven’t spoken since February. Lindsay is mad at me, and she doesn’t want me to have a relationship with Carl. She said that I wanted Carl in a sexual way.”

In a one-on-one with producers, Mya says, “So, we were in L.A. and we had just finished filming Family Feud. We lost, and I was upset to lose. I was in the car with Lindsay going back to the hotel, and I was like, ‘I just talked to Carl, LOL. Maybe we’ll smoke a j.’ I have smoked many joints with Carl. It was so innocent. I remember being so caught off guard by the fact that she said, ‘You did what?’ That’s when she told me that I was not respectful of their relationship, and she also accused me of wanting Carl in a romantic way. Personally, I’m not that girl.”

Mya then adds, “I don’t think that I should be penalized for texting a friend.”

Carl continues to back Lindsay despite Mya’s claim

Mya makes it clear that she misses her friendship with Carl, and during the pool party, she pulls him over to the side for a chat. She brings up the conversation with Lindsay, but Carl plays dumb. When Mya explains that she supports his relationship with Lindsay but that she still cares for him, Carl immediately seems to shut down. He admits that he didn’t know that Lindsay believed Mya held romantic feelings for him but weasels his way out of any sort of meaningful reply by dismissing it as Lindsay’s feelings and not his.

He brushes off Mya’s concerns by saying he’s learning how to navigate lots of relationships differently now because he’s dating Lindsay. Mya quickly realizes the conversation isn’t productive and ends it.


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Lindsay views the situation with Mya as ‘setting boundaries in her own relationship without feeling guilty’

After Mya walks away, Lindsay pulls Carl to the side to discuss his conversation. Carl explains that Mya’s upset because of the conversation between Lindsay and her in L.A. Lindsay replies, “I’m allowed to set boundaries in my relationship without feeling guilty.”

Lindsay later explains that she felt like Mya asking Carl to smoke marijuana was disrespectful because he was struggling with his sobriety at that point. She added that she didn’t feel like Mya should automatically know what’s happening in Carl’s life. However, she should ‘“know to ask about it.”

Summer House fans, it’s going to be a long season.

Check out new episodes every Wednesday night on Bravo. Plus, stay tuned to Showbiz Cheat Sheet for all your Summer House updates!