Taylor Swift Designs Every Element of Her Tours
It’s hard to picture Taylor Swift doing something outside of the entertainment industry. Over the course of her career, she’s become one of the most successful musical artists in the world. However, Swift actually has quite a few talents outside of being a singer-songwriter. Swift also excels at marketing and branding. In fact, she’s been personally curating her tours since the very beginning of her career.

Taylor Swift helps design all of the features for her tours
Most people are aware that Swift writes or co-writes all of her songs. However, they may not know how involved she is in the marketing of her music. Everything from her music videos to her sold-out tours are things that Swift has conceptualized herself.
Back in 2009, Swift gave Dateline a behind-the-scenes glimpse at her Fearless tour. Swifties who attended any of the 52 shows may recall the intricately designed stage where she performed hits like “You Belong With Me.” Even the elaborate stage, which featured quick change rooms, hidden elevators, and more, was something that Swift dreamed up herself.
The ‘Midnights’ artist designed the elaborate stage for her ‘Fearless Tour’
“Well, the cool thing about this stage is that it’s a giant projector screen,” Swift explained. “The stage is different for every single song. This tour is my baby. I’m just so excited about every angle, from seeing that stage go from a drawing that I drew to seeing it 20 feet in the air.” Continuing on, the “hoax” singer shared that she loved finding a way to transform a song for a live audience.
“I just spend all my time organizing it in my head,” she continued. “It’s just so much fun for me to think of the song the way people think of it on the record and turn it into a completely different thing for the live show.” Swift’s mom, Andrea Swift, co-signed her daughter’s involvement in conceptualizing both the tour and the way her album was marketed and rolled out.
“Every single decision that’s made, whether it’s talking about artwork that’s gonna go on the side of the buses for the tour or a script that needs to be read, you know, almost invariably, someone in the room says, ‘Have you checked with Taylor?'” Andrea shared.
Swift regrets shying away from her marketing abilities earlier in her career
Taylor may be owning her marketing prowess now, but she shied away from sharing just how involved she was early in her career. This is something she’s come to regret now that she’s older and wiser. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Taylor shared that she’s far more comfortable showing off her shrewd business mind these days.
“I’m not scared anymore to say that other things in my career, like how to market an album, are strictly strategic,” Taylor revealed. “And I’m sick of women not being able to say that they have strategic business minds — because male artists are allowed to. And so I’m sick and tired of having to pretend like I don’t mastermind my own business. But, it’s a different part of my brain than I use to write.”
Whatever parts of her brain that Taylor chooses to use, it’s clear that it continues to work out for her. We’re sure that she has something unique up her sleeve for her new album, Midnights.