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The drama with the Teen Mom franchise continues. After dropping Lexi Tatum from Young and Pregnant for not bringing enough drama – and adding two new moms to the cast – a recent reunion fight has only added to the fire. Ashley Jones, Kailyn Lowry, Jade Cline, and Kayla Sessler all found themselves in the middle of a near-brawl. Jones took to her YouTube channel to explain what really happened. 

Ashley Jones and cast argue at ‘Teen Mom’ reunion

Reports surfaced in October that there was major drama at the reunion between Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’s Ashley Jones – and Teen Mom 2’s Jade Cline. Cline was formerly a cast member on Young and Pregnant but transitioned to Teen Mom 2 for its most recent season. It’s said that there was brewing tension between Jones and Cline after Cline was added to the other show.

According to Jones, producers of Teen Mom 2 first approached her to be an addition to the cast. Jones says that she denied the offer and opted to stay with the Young and Pregnant cast and Cline was selected. This is allegedly what started the feud between the two women.

When asked by host Dr. Drew how everyone felt about Cline moving onto Teen Mom 2, In Touch Weekly reported that The Ashley said everyone answered except Jones. What viewers saw on the edited reunion was Jones’ blowup over being questioned about Cline’s new role.

Things escalated when Jones and Cline began to throw verbal jabs at one another. From there, another Young and Pregnant star, Kayla Sessler, got involved and accused Jones of not being supportive, which Jones denied. Teen Mom 2’s Kailyn Lowry tried to intervene between Jones, Cline, and Sessler to no avail. Security was called and Jones was escorted out. She later took to YouTube to explain her side of things. 

Ashley Jones details ‘Teen Mom’ reunion blowup on her YouTube vlog 

Jones explained that issues began long before the reunion was tapped. In part one of her vlog, she first explained why she shot down the opportunity to move to Teen Mom 2. For starters, she claims executives didn’t offer her a contract raise since she was entering into an already established show and cast. Additionally, Jones says Teen Mom 2 required her to commit to more airing of details of her personal life that she wasn’t willing to share. Jones considered it “more invasive.” 

She also alleges that producers told her Cline would be a better fit because her storyline was similar to former Teen Mom 2 cast member, Jenelle Evans, who was being replaced. Jones has no regrets about declining the offer and said she wished Cline well when she was chosen but Cline never responded. Jones showed the messages she sent Cline as proof. 

According to Jones, Cline became upset with her because she felt that Jones alleged she was asked to join the show first. Jones said that wasn’t true and that she was asked in addition to Cline. Their relationship was fractured as a result.

Jones says that she was notified by MTV executives that Cline requested additional security to be present at the reunion. “I was asked. ‘Are you OK to be on stage with her,’” she explained. Jones said she was confused as she“never brought up an issue” with Cline, so she found the question and Cline’s request offensive. Still, Jones agreed to participate in the reunion. 

Jones says that when she landed in New York for the reunion filming, she felt her castmates left her out of group outings. She also claims that she reached out to both her current cast and Cline yet no one responded. When she got to set, Jones says that the only cast to speak to her were the two new additions to Young and Pregnant, which put her on guard.

She explained in part two of her vlog that tensions rose because prior to filming, she expressed to producers that she refused to touch on Cline’s move to Teen Mom 2. Her wishes were not respected and that caused her outburst. She also felt that 

Kailyn Lowry corroborated Jones claims about her not wanting to speak about the issue with Cline and Teen Mom 2. She also feels that production pits the cast against one another.