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Evan Smith and Kaci Campbell appeared on Temptation Island together as she wanted her boyfriend to prove himself and finally commit to her. However, the show ended with Evan breaking off their five-year relationship and proposing to someone he met on the island, Morgan Lolar.

Viewers, including Kaci, didn’t think the new couple would work out, and unfortunately, they were right. After nearly a year-and-a-half, Morgan ended the relationship over cheating allegations. Their shared experiences united Morgan and Kaci, and the ladies did a phone interview together. However, Evan claims his exes “are not friends.”

Evan Smith Kaci Campbell
Evan Smith, Kaci Campbell — (Photo by: John Tsiavis

Morgan Lolar and Kaci Campbell frequently communicate on Twitter

Almost a year after Evan Smith proposed to Morgan Lolar in a Temptation Island update segment, the Virginia-based real estate agent revealed her fiancé cheated on her.

In a January 11th tweet, she explained he left for California earlier than their predetermined date and had “nightly sleepovers with 21-year-old Instagram models.” Morgan also called herself a “dumb a*s” and said she got “played.”

Instead of responding with, “I told you so,” Kaci Campbell offered the real estate agent support and replied, “You’re not dumb. You were in love and wanted to believe in him.”

She also stood up to followers who made fun of Morgan for falling for Evan and replied, “Be kind. No one deserves to go through this. Especially in the public eye.” The tweet caught Morgan’s eye, who admitted, “You already know how I feel about believing him over you from the beginning.”

In Kaci’s response, she noted she forgave Morgan and is “praying” for her. The ladies have continued to publicly communicate over Twitter, where Kaci has frequently sent Morgan encouraging tweets. Most recently, the two discussed their shared interest in creating a TikTok account.

Morgan Lolar and Kaci Campbell did an interview together

On April 9, 2020, three months after Morgan’s “world flipped upside down,” she and Kaci did a phone interview with Us Weekly discussing their newfound friendship.

Morgan explained she reached out to Kaci on New Year’s Eve 2019 because she started realizing Evan was playing her the same way he played his ex. According to the real estate agent, she financially supported her fiancé the entire time they were together.

Once Morgan started putting pressure on him to get a career going, he claimed it “made him feel bad.” Two days before they planned on moving to California together, Evan wanted to leave for the West Coast early to start working so he could pay Morgan back and “feel like a man.”

However, she didn’t understand why he had to leave only two days in advance, so he picked a fight with her and walked out in a very “calculated” move.

Kaci explained she knew this would happen because her ex is a “man of patterns.” She described him as someone who “wants a comfortable situation” without having to work. Therefore, when someone puts pressure on him to get a career started, “he bails.”

Morgan also noted her appreciation for Kaci, who graciously helped her when she was “going crazy at the time.” 

Evan Smith claims Morgan Lolar and Kaci Campbell ‘are not friends’

While Kaci and Morgan have been public regarding their feelings, Evan has largely remained quiet about the situation. After taking a three-month hiatus from Twitter, Evan returned with a poll. In his next tweet, posted on April 2, he publicly apologized to Morgan for the first time.

Many followers were skeptical over his vague tweet, but he promised he didn’t post it for anything or anyone except for his ex-fiancé. One user suggested Evan apologize to Kaci as well, and another account responded, “This is about Morgan, not Kaci.”

The former collegiate basketball player liked the latter tweet. Someone else noted that his two exes are now friends in a “plot twist,” and Evan replied, “Yooo.. they are NOT friends” and included a laughing emoji.

The following day, he broadcasted live on Instagram and became very annoyed at all the questions surrounding his breakup. It’s unclear if Evan will release an official statement or do an interview to explain his side of the story.