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During Temptation Island Season 4 Episode 3, the couples explore their emotional connection with the singles, eventually causing one cast member to break down.

Ashley Rodriguez, Lascelles Lagares, Iris Jardiel, Luke Wechselberger, Gillian Lieberman, Edgar De Santiago, Hania Stocker, and Ash Lamiroult posing for 'Temptation Island' Season 4 cast photos
‘Temptation Island’ Season 4 cast Ashley Rodriguez, Lascelles Lagares, Iris Jardiel, Luke Wechselberger, Gillian Lieberman, Edgar De Santiago, Hania Stocker, and Ash Lamiroult | Patrick Ecclesine/USA Network/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty Images

Gillian Lieberman discovered the ‘turning point’ in her relationship with Edgar De Santiago during ‘Temptation Island’ Season 4 Episode 3

Temptation Island Season 4 Episode 3 kicked off with Edgar De Santiago emotionally responding to Gillian Lieberman’s bonfire clip in which she admitted she didn’t care about the promise ring he gifted her.

Edgar opened up about why the conversation hurt him, revealing that he recently found her inappropriately texting her ex for several months as he tried to repair their relationship after his infidelity.

When Gillian spoke at the ladies’ bonfire, she admitted Edgar’s cheating played a significant role in their relationship, defining it as a “huge turning point.” The relator continued, pointing out she’s young and wants to pursue the possibility of dating someone else.

While Gillian later admitted she enjoyed her “taste of independence” on her side of the island, single Kryslyn Renee revealed her strong attraction toward Edgar. Noting he already had a thing with Marissa Rodriguez, she got advice from Hania Stocker, who encouraged her to go after him.

Lascelles Lagares and Ashley Rodriguez are both making connections on ‘Temptation Island’

Watching girlfriend Ashley Rodriguez connecting with another single at the island made Lascelles Lagares laugh as he wanted them to learn more about each other individually.

However, her jaw dropped watching him tell Trace Winningham that she’s everything he “needed.” Back in the villa, Lascelles continued his connection with Trace by asking her on the second date.

He later broke down while talking to Karyna Auletta, admitting he had stronger feelings than anticipated. Lascelles later noted he’s already at a “crossroads” between sticking with his relationship or pursuing a new one with Trace.

However, he doesn’t want Ashley to believe he easily threw away their seven years together. 

‘Temptation Island’ Season 4 Episode 3 continued to show Ash Lamiroult and Taylor Patrick’s strengthening relationship

Hania watched Ash Lamiroult making out with Taylor Patrick in her bed, making him “confused and angry.” Although he acknowledged bringing the idea of an open relationship to the table, the garden designer thinks he might have waited too long to describe what he wants.

Hania’s actions in his clip, in which he licked chocolate syrup off a single’s body and picked up another to carry her into a crowded shower, didn’t surprise Ash, but they upset her. She claimed she’s already gotten the answers she wanted by coming to the island and decided not to think about him as she connected with other guys on the island.


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Ash chose to go on a date with Tommy Soltis instead of Taylor, wanting to get another perspective on her situation. However, it unknowingly bothered Gillian, who wished for more alone time with him. That night, Gillian and Tommy talked, and both admitted they connected early on while Taylor and Ash spent another night cuddling in bed together.

Finally, Iris Jardiel connected with single George Maxey but decided to call it quits as she didn’t want to continue hopping from relationship to relationship. Additionally, her boyfriend, Luke Wechselberger, admitted to his emotional blockages, noting he wanted to work on them. Temptation Island airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on USA Network.