That Wasn’t Chris Hemsworth’s Real Hair in the First ‘Thor’ Movie
Hair is an important component for some of the Marvel Cinematic Universe superheroes, even if only a few of the men wore their hair at shoulder length. Thor is the one who wore his hair the longest, because of Norse tradition.
Most fans assumed that when Chris Hemsworth introduced himself in the role of the God of Thunder, the long hair was really his own locks. It turns out this was never the case, according to official sources.
Later, he took the initiative and realized using real hair was a better plan for more legitimacy. Maybe Hemsworth worried wearing a wig in all his Thor movies would be surmised as a cop-out.

Chris Hemsworth said he hated wearing the Thor wig in the first film
According to Hemsworth in an Entertainment Tonight video and referenced on Inverse, it was a welcome change to have Thor sport a short haircut in Ragnarok. The short hair was all due to the title character being a prisoner via Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum). Hemsworth said it felt better being able to film without the heavy hair extensions.
In an ET video interview, he said putting on the wig required two hours, something that seems a little excessive. Then again, to make it look perfect, it might be understandable why it would take time in the makeup room.
Having to wear such a thing under likely hot conditions was clearly no fun. No matter if Hemsworth happens to be Australian where heat is common, wearing a long wig in a movie every day for weeks at a time is obviously no picnic.
Fans were not happy, though, when seeing Thor would not have his usual locks in Ragnarok. As a compromise, he sported a whole other look in Endgame while still avoiding how he looked before.
Should fans give Chris Hemsworth a break about not wearing the Thor wig?
Because Hemsworth is clearly against wearing that wig, fans might have to give him a break. Not many likely will, since they all complained about Ragnarok taking away from Thor’s comic book appearance.
Yes, all the Marvel purists want the superhero looks to be authentic rather than made more comfortable for the actor. Maybe their perspective is that since the actor is getting paid millions of dollars, they have to suffer through wearing the suits and the hair.
Hemsworth obviously realizes two hours is a little excessive to be fiddling with Thor hair. Hopefully, the hair department at the MCU can find a way to make this easier for him, especially in upcoming Love and Thunder if back to the long locks.
In Endgame, though, everyone saw Thor looking worse for wear. After taking the blame for the snap occurring in Infinity War, Thor became overweight, bearded, and with matted hair. Since Hemsworth grew out his own beer gut, it was clear he was able to do what he wanted while still making Thor a complex character dealing with self-doubt.
What kind of hair will Thor have down the road?
Nobody yet knows what kind of hair Hemsworth will sport as Thor in Love and Thunder. Nobody even knows if the character will be back to his old self, even if reports are Hemsworth is getting shredded again for the role.
All possibility exists Thor will keep shorter hair since many are starting to get used to Hemsworth creating a new look for the character. Sporting shorter hair might be a sign of the character’s own growth in overcoming mental illness. Plus, no one should forget he must be cognizant of living in the 21st century when not everyone has long hair.
If Hemsworth somehow continues with the Thor character, however, fans may demand a return to how he looked in the first film. By then, maybe hair extensions can be a quick add-on without a million touch-ups by hairstylists.