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The royal family has a set of rules and protocols that they go by. That extends to food as well as there are certain things they can and cannot eat for specific reasons. But there is one delicacy that won’t make it on the menu because Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip hate it.

Read on to find out what the royal family matriarch and patriarch refuse to eat, plus the other food that is a big no-no for any royal to consume.

Queen Elizabeth II And Prince Philip
Queen Elizabeth II And Prince Philip | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

The seafood delicacy Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip won’t touch

The queen and Philip have been married for more than 70 years. But they like different things and don’t always agree on what to have for dinner. When it comes to their dislikes though there is one food that neither of them can stand. And therefore it should never be served to them whether they are at home or attending a function elsewhere.

Hello! noted that in the book Dinner at Buckingham Palace by Charles Oliver, the former royal servant revealed what Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip won’t eat.

“Inevitably there are one or two things the queen and her husband do not like and hosts are duly warned in advance,” he wrote. “The palace instruction states: ‘Neither the queen nor the Duke of Edinburgh like oysters.'”

Some other royals are reportedly big fans of oysters but it’s believed they don’t eat them much when traveling abroad because of the risk of food poisoning.

Prince Charles eating oyster at Whitstable Festival in the U.K.
Prince Charles eating oyster at Whitstable Festival in the U.K. | ARTHUR EDWARDS/AFP via Getty Images

Royal protocol restricts foods for good reason

It’s not just oysters that the queen and duke won’t touch. They won’t consume garlic either and that rule applies to every member of their family.

“We can never serve anything with garlic or too much onions,” former royal chef Darren McGrady told The Express. “The queen would never have garlic on the menu.”

The rule is to prevent the royals from having bad breath when they meet and greet their visitors or members of the public.

The common food the queen has possibly never eaten

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II | Anwar Hussein/Getty Images

Queen Elizabeth II Has a Favorite Dessert Fit For a Royal That You Can Make at Home

It’s been reported that there’s another common food that Queen Elizabeth has never eaten even though there’s no rule against having it. That food is pizza.

The discussion about wheter the monarch has ever had the popular food came about when Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge visited London’s King Henry’s Walk Garden in 2019. One youngster asked Kate if the queen liked pizza and the duchess said she didn’t know if her grandmother-in-law had ever eaten it.

McGrady weighed in, telling HuffPost that he never made the queen pizza in all the years he spent cooking in the Buckingham Palace kitchen.

“I cooked for the queen for 11 years and never served her pizza once,” McGrady stated. “The queen didn’t even have it on the menu when we were in Palermo, Sicily on HMY Britannia. The chefs had to go ashore after royal dinner to try it.”