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Are you due for another Broadway concert in the shower? Are you ready to turn that shampoo bottle into a microphone, and try not to slip on the porcelain as you jump, jive, an’ wail? 

If you’re looking for a selection of Broadway tunes to sing as the water flows through your hair (and soap inevitably gets in your eyes), Showbiz has got you covered.  If you aren’t up to the emotional intensity inherent to “Memory” from Cats or “Pity the Child” from Chess, you’ve come to the right place. When the world is in a state like it is today, with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic keeping people on edge, you need to let loose to the fun tunes only — no heart-piercing ballads today. 

Bebe Neuwirth and Ann Reinking perform at the 7,486th performance of ‘Chicago’ | Noam Galai/WireImage

1. “You Can’t Stop the Beat” from ‘Hairspray’

“You Can’t Stop the Beat” is easily one of the most uplifting songs of all time — within and outside the Broadway musical space. You can’t stop history in the making. You can’t stop a progressive uprising as it “races down the hill.” You can’t stop the tides bound to transform society at large. And, of course, “you can’t stop my knife and fork when I see a Christmas ham.” 

Life is about fighting for what’s right, but also about letting loose — owning who you are and what you bring to the world as an individual. In the end, when the music’s playing, you just can’t stop the beat. And in this song, it plays fast, and the lyrics come spewing from vocalists’ mouths even faster. Try to keep up with the lyrics as you shake and shimmy your way within three confined walls and a curtain.

2. “Cell Block Tango” from ‘Chicago’ 

Are you ready to roll your invisible stockings down? The “Cell Block Tango” is saucy and seductive; The murderous mistresses take the stage and tell you about all the men who “had it coming,” So, lift one eyebrow and climb into a suit that smells of vindictiveness, spite, and a nip of superiority to deliver this one. 

You better mean it when you yell “He had it coming!” If your neighbors don’t hear you, you’re doing it wrong. Oh, and one more thing: if you don’t smack your lips with intensity on “Pop” and slightly linger on the “L” in Lipschitz, consider revising your approach. 

3. “I Got Life” from ‘Hair’

Now is as good a time as any to remember what makes us human and be grateful for our existence. How about a song in which you mention all aspects of your humanity — from your “headaches and toothaches” to your eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, and tongue? Sing about life — revel in the glory of your health, and let the world know…that you got life. 

4. “La Vie Boheme” from ‘RENT’

While RENT has many tearjerking ballads in its soundtrack, “La Vie Boheme” is not one of them. The multiple castmembers all take a part in this one — singing about some humorous and mature-themed topics. And, even the deeper sentiments are cut via a musical styling and lyrical playfulness that keeps the number light — working to balance the several dramatic numbers occurring later in the show. 

This one is hard to keep up with lyrically, so consider this a challenge. If you know all the words (or even half the words) to “La Vie Boheme,” you are a true RENT fan. However, if not, this one is still great to listen to — see how many quick jokes and allusions you can catch. 

5. “Be Our Guest” from ‘Beauty and the Beast’

“Be Our Guest” is best described as cuteness meets cartoon class. And, who doesn’t love trying on their horrible French accent for size when no one is listening? The food-themed rhymes are clever, and the character disposition inherent to Lumière is fun to mimic.