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Every season of The Amazing Race includes a height challenge, meaning that contestants have to perform a task that involves being high above the ground. And almost every time, at least one racer has to overcome their fear of heights. For The Amazing Race 34, it was Claire Rehfuss and Aubrey Ares. However, in Claire’s case, she always knew she would be the one to complete a height challenge.

Claire Rehfuss, who stars in 'The Amazing Race 34' on CBS, wears a black shirt, black pants, and green helmet before walking a tightrope.
Claire Rehfuss | Photo: CBS

Claire had a panic attack in ‘The Amazing Race 34’ Episode 10

Since each team member has to complete the same number of Roadblocks, Derek Xiao and Claire took that into account when deciding who would do each task. They previously stated that if they made it to the finale, they wanted Derek to be the one to do the final Roadblock.

Coming into the second half of the Megaleg in The Amazing Race 34 Episode 10, Derek had done four individual challenges, and Claire finished five. So if Derek volunteered to do the Roadblock in Ronda, Claire would have to do the one in the penultimate leg. But they wanted to save Derek for the final challenges, resulting in Claire completing the Ronda Roadblock.

Racers had to walk across a tightrope suspended 300 feet above a gorge, pick the clue with the Andalusia flag, and walk back across. If they selected the right flag, they could head to the pit stop.

From the minute Claire got her gear on and approached the tightrope, it was apparent this wouldn’t be smooth sailing for her. She started panicking, but she moved across the rope anyway. At one point, Aubrey, who was also freaking out and crying, tried to talk to Claire, but she begged her not to speak to her.

Thankfully, Claire picked the correct flag. But when she returned to Derek, the weight of what she had just done caught up to her. Claire sobbed and fell to the ground. After catching her breath, she and Derek made their way to the pit stop. And The Amazing Race host Phil Keoghan informed Derek and Claire they came in third place.

Claire explains why she did the Roadblock

After The Amazing Race 34 Episode 10 aired, Derek and Claire posted a YouTube recap of the hour. And in the video, Claire revealed why she volunteered to do the Roadblock if she feared heights.

“A few things went into the decision,” Claire explained. “One, I was going to do this Roadblock basically no matter what because this was going to be my very last Roadblock that I had to do. And at this point, I would have six. Two, if it was heights, I was always going to do a heights challenge because I figured it would just be like bungee jumping. Anyone can fall. Anyone can bungee jump.”

She continued, “Three, I have been paying attention in general. I have been really studying for memory. I have a good memory. So, why not? Of course, I’m going to do this. It will be what it will be, and I’ll just get it through.”

Claire said she didn’t regret doing the Roadblock because she did it “successfully.” Plus, she had bungee jumped before, so that’s also why Claire volunteered.

Derek later shared that they asked Luis Colon and Michelle Burgos how they decided which one of them would do a height challenge. And the married couple said they had to do rocks paper scissors for it. Derek stated, “I’m like, ‘Yeah, that’s kind of like me and Claire.’ They were like, ‘Oh, you guys also like heights?’ We’re like, ‘Wait, what?'”

Whereas Luis and Michelle both wanted to do a Roadblock involving heights, neither Derek nor Claire wanted to do it. So perhaps Derek is also afraid of heights. But they knew that Claire would be able to get the job done no matter what.


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Derek and Claire tease ‘The Amazing Race 34’ Episode 11

Since Derek and Claire finished in third place in The Amazing Race 34 Episode 10, they are one of four teams racing in the penultimate leg. They will travel from Spain to Iceland, where they will compete for a spot in the finale.

During their YouTube video, Derek and Claire each shared one word to describe episode 11. Derek’s word was “explosive,” while Claire’s was “swim.”

It’s possible that “swim” refers to one of the next leg’s tasks. But we’ll have to wait and see what “explosive” means.

The Amazing Race 34 airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.