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This season had the unexpected ending of Peter Weber’s family getting very involved in his love life. His mother, Barbara didn’t hold back and chose a side between finalists Madison Prewett and Hannah Ann Sluss.

She then got to voice her opinion on After the Final Rose. An ABC executive is now talking about what the mother said on the live show. Find out his reaction to the episode and more. [Spoiler Alert: Spoilers for The Bachelor season finale ahead.]

Peter Weber’s mom wanted him to pick Hannah Ann Sluss

Peter Weber and Chris Harrison on 'The Bachelor'
Peter Weber and Chris Harrison on ‘The Bachelor’ | John Fleenor via Getty Images

The first part of the finale showed Hannah Ann and Madison spending time with his family. Hannah Ann was the first one to meet them and everything seemed to go smoothly.

Madison’s day played out differently. First she had a serious conversation with Weber because he chose to be intimate with someone else during Fantasy Suites while she is waiting to get married to have sex. They still decided to move forward with their relationship. Madison then met his family and the couple revealed their relationship issues to them.

Barbara didn’t seem thrilled about this at all. She had a private conversation with Madison and pointed out their differences. The mother said she didn’t want anyone to change her son.

Barbara Weber confronted Madison Prewett on ‘After the Finale Rose’

Madison decided to leave the show because of their differences around religion and sex. Weber decided to propose to Hannah Ann. However, they broke up and Madison decided she wanted to give their relationship another shot.

One person who wasn’t happy about this was Barbara. On After the Final Rose she explained why she isn’t a fan of Madison. She said things started “on a rocky road” because Madison had the family wait three hours and never apologized for it.

The mother also added, “When I proceeded to ask her if she was madly in love with my son, she said no, that she would not accept a proposal in four days.”

Chris Harrison later asked her how they will move forward to give their relationship a shot together. “Chris, he’s going to have to fail to succeed. That’s it,” Barbara answered.

An ABC Exec talked about Barbara’s reaction on the live show

The finale was very dramatic for multiple reasons. One was that Barbara got to react to the finale and share her opinions on Weber still being in love with Madison on After the Finale Rose.

An ABC executive named Rob Mills talked to Variety about the filming of the live special. “I think the confrontation with Madison probably has more people on Madison’s side,” he said.

“We knew that she was not necessarily thrilled that Peter had reconciled with Madison, but this was truly a little bit scary because it was live and nobody knows what she’s going to say, but at the same time, that’s what makes for great TV,” said the executive. “But, I don’t think anyone knew she would go that far.”

He gave his own opinion about Weber’s future with Madison. “I think it’s going to be difficult with Peter and Madison, so I’m glad that everybody saw these dynamics on TV, so that if they don’t work out, it played in front of the audience,” said Mills. “When you sign up for this show, you sign up to bring the audience with you on this journey.”

The couple said they are taking things day by day. Time will tell if they will work out despite their differences.