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While Chris Harrison is often the recipient of complaints from The Bachelor fans, he ended up with even more negative comments on Blackout Tuesday. Harrison joined the movement to observe, mourn, and bring about change in the wake of the death of George Floyd by posting a black square on his Instagram account.

However, Bachelor Nation wants more from the host of The Bachelor franchise. Fans want him to address the more significant problem on the show. 

'The Bachelor' host Chris Harrison
‘The Bachelor’ host Chris Harrison | John Fleenor via Getty Images

What did ‘The Bachelor’ franchise host Chris Harrison post on Blackout Tuesday?

Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang began the movement, #TheShowMustBePaused in the music industry.

“We are tired and can’t change things alone,” Brianna wrote on Instagram. “This is a call to action for those of us who work in music/entertainment/show business to pause on Tuesday, June 2nd, because the show can’t just go on as our people are being hunted and killed.”

She continued to ask those who work in the entertainment industry to come together to figure out how to hold everyone accountable and “execute a plan that actively supports and protects the VERY CULTURE that it profits from.”

Chris Harrison posted a plain black square with the caption, “#blackouttuesday #ripgeorgefloyd.” His Instagram story features the same stark black background. However, he didn’t share any information on how to link back to the movement.

Why did ‘The Bachelor’ fans criticize Chris Harrison’s Blackout Tuesday post?

“This is all you have to say?” asked one fan in the comments. “It’s a shame it took this long to hear from you. However, you need to say more. This just makes you look like you want to save face.”

Many other celebrities also received criticism for not including ways to make a change in their post or previous posts. However, some Bachelor fans were particularly outraged at Harrison because of the lack of diversity in the show’s choice of leads. 

“Ok, but your next post should be about covert racism in Bach nation, bro,” another fan added.

When Peter Weber was announced as The Bachelor for season 24, many fans spoke up. They were hoping to see Mike Johnson, instead, to represent the Black community. Johnson would have been the first Black bachelor in the show’s history. 

“[This is] a message that Bachelor nation DESPERATELY needs to hear,” another Bachelor fan wrote. “Say more, next time. Use that platform.”

Mike Johnson and Rachel Lindsay want to see more diversity in ‘The Bachelor’ franchise

After Weber was chosen over Johnson, the 31-year-old Air Force veteran spoke out, asking for more diversity within the franchise. 

“I think of diversity more than just black and white,” Johnson told Entertainment Tonight. “And yes, Peter has a Cuban mom, but let’s just be honest — he’s white, right? And that’s just being completely transparent. I think that there should be an Asian lead, an Indian lead. Diversity is not just black and white. It’s not just salt and pepper.”


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Johnson wasn’t the only member of Bachelor Nation to speak up. Rachel Lindsay, the first Black Bachelorette on the show, in 2017, was also upset with the franchise. 

“The system isn’t working in giving us a Bachelor who is a person of color, Lindsey told the outlet. “So we need to change the system. Something has to be done. Break the rules, step outside the box, give the people what they want!” 

Fans commenting on Harrison’s Blackout Tuesday post are asking for him to use his platform for change. They don’t believe one black square is going to do it.