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Fans of The Bachelor recently discovered that Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph unfollowed each other on Instagram. While this could just be a normal phase of a breakup, some fans think the sudden change is a sign bigger drama is going on behind the scenes.

Colton Underwood Cassie Randolph
Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph | Randy Holmes via Getty Images

The former couple announced their breakup on social media

Randolph and Underwood first got together during Underwood’s season of The Bachelor, which aired from Jan. 7, 2019 to March 12, 2019. They announced their breakup on May 29, 2020 in separate Instagram statements.

Randolph posted multiple photos with Underwood and wrote:

“First off, I want to say this is one of the hardest things I have had to share as neither one of us is quite ready to talk about it yet. However, because our relationship is such a public one, our silence on the matter has been speaking for us. Colton and I have broken up, but have decided to remain a part of each others lives. With all that we have gone through, we have a special bond that will always be there. I love Colton very much and have an enormous amount of respect for him. We have both learned and grown so much these past couple years, and will always have each others back. Always.”

Underwood shared a black-and-white photo with Randolph and wrote:

“Its been a crazy few months to say the least, Cass and I have been doing a lot of self-reflecting. Sometimes people are just meant to be friends – and that’s okay. We both have grown immensely and been through so much together – so this isn’t the end of our story, it’s the start of a whole new chapter for us.”

Fans noticed Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph unfollowed each other

While fans noticed the two unfollowed each other on Instagram, one Reddit user took the Instagram sleuthing a step further, writing:

“Last night Cassie and her best friend Lin both unfollowed Colton. Today Cassie’s sister and her boyfriend Gregg just unfollowed Colton. Gregg and Colton were really close friends who would hangout frequently so this is really surprising. Some kind of serious drama must have happened last night for all of them to unfollow Colton at once. Even after the Bachelor GOAT drama A few weeks ago with Cassie none of them unfollowed Colton. In fact Gregg still kept hanging out with Colton like always and Cassie’s sister kept liking his post. Colton hasn’t been active on social media for several days either which is super unusual for him. Whatever happened between them I think is pretty serious.”

Because people close to Randolph who had been friendly with Underwood after the breakup unfollowed him, some fans assumed more breakup drama is unfolding.


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There is apparently more to the story

As fans of The Bachelor speculated about what could be happening between Underwood and Randolph, a Reddit user claimed that something big happened between the two.

While the Reddit user did not give details, they did allude to a fallout between Underwood and Randolph, writing:

“I’ve been in contact with a source who has first hand knowledge of this situation. This person did not want to say what specifically happened out of respect for the situation, but whatever happened seems very serious and ‘isn’t as simple as people are assuming’. This fallout happened recently and has nothing to do with Cassie’s musician friend who according to this source was adamant that they are NOT dating. This fallout happened recently and it directly involves something that occurred between Colton and Cassie. This source also implied that when the truth comes out people will ‘understand’ why everything happened the way it did.”

Based on this Reddit post, it seems fans might end up finding out what happened between Randolph and Underwood soon, but only time will tell.