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There are a few key tropes that keep The Bachelor interesting. If you’ve been a fan of the show for a while, then you probably know them all. The biggest one is that there has to be a villain every season, a girl who gets under the rest of the contestant’s skin mostly just by breathing and wanting time with the lead. The villain then has to have a nemesis, which is usually a girl who takes it upon herself to speak for the rest of the girls and call the villain out.

Hannah Ann
Hannah Ann Sluss | Eric McCandless/ABC via Getty Images

All of this is a set up to the iconic two-on-one date. Normally, there are group dates and one-on-one dates. But once a season, we are given a two-on-one, where the villain and her nemesis both go on a date with the Bachelor resulting in one of them being sent home on the date. It’s reality tv gold.

So, who will be on the dreaded two-on-one this season?

How are women chosen to go on the two-on-one dates?

Going on a two-on-one date is always risky as it gives you a 50/50 chance of being sent home. Though we are used to seeing the villain and her nemesis chosen to go on the dreaded outing, host Chris Harrison said that they pick women to go on the date based on what’s going on in the season.

“It really depends season to season of what we need and what they need,” Harrison told Entertainment Tonight. “If it’s someone like Nick Viall, who I vividly remember kind of kicking the can down the road and [not being] really emotionally committed at the time, we needed to force him into some issues. And so sometimes it’s like that.”

“Sometimes you have a guy like Peter who wears his heart on his sleeve and we got enough emotion going on, and so yeah, he just needs to make a tough decision between two women,” Harrison continued. “It really depends on the season.”

Are Kelsey and Hannah Ann being prepped for a two-on-one?

This season, Hannah Ann Sluss became an early frontrunner for Weber. She received the first impression rose, which is really a curse because it just puts a huge target on the recipient’s back. Sluss upset a few women on night one by pulling Weber away from other contestants, but nothing can compare to what happened between her and Kelsey Weier.

Apparently, Weier had brought a bottle of Dom Perignon to the mansion that she had been saving for over a year to share with Weber. While she was waiting to pull him aside, Sluss popped the bottle and drank some of it with Weber instead.

This, while probably just an accident, set off #champagnegate. Weier completely lost it and called Sluss “calculated.”

Instead of giving a heartfelt apology, Sluss just kept repeating canned responses like “I respect your opinion and “I acknowledge your feelings.”

Later, Sluss went to Weber and acused Weier of bullying her, which caused Weier to burst into a fit of tears. The episode ended with Weber unsure of what to do with the two women.

If that isn’t prime two-on-one material, then what is!