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This season of The Bachelor has brought mixed reactions from fans. While the contestants are certainly dramatic, the drama itself is not that engaging; they just don’t seem to like each other that much. Viewers were also disappointed that the show picked Cleveland as its first non-California destination. The Bachelor cast members didn’t look too excited when Chris Harrison shared the news, either. However, lead Peter Weber was psyched. So excited, in fact, that he said something completely false about the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Bachelor Nation is now calling him out for it.

Peter Weber, The Bachelor
Peter Weber and contestants on The Bachelor | Eric McCandless via Getty Images

The contestants on Peter Weber’s season were not too excited about visiting Cleveland

On the podcast Chatty Broads, which former Bachelor contestant Bekah Martinez records with her friend Jess Ambrose, the co-hosts discussed the most recent episode.

They laughed about the Bachelor contestants’ reaction to the reveal of the season’s first location, Cleveland. The ladies were not too jazzed about going to Ohio.

“Cleveland does not have the same ring as Paris,” Martinez acknowledged.

Bekah Martinez, former The Bachelor contestant
Bekah Martinez | RB/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images

“They were location-shaming,” Ambrose joked. “They literally shamed and then did the fastest switch I’ve ever seen with glorious montages of Cleveland, stunning music.” Ambrose went on to remark on how The Bachelor was “selling the sh*t out of Cleveland the entire episode.”

“The amount of positive PR that they followed up with was … unbelievable,” Ambrose said.

On Juliet Litman’s podcast for The Ringer, Bachelor Party, she and her guest Lauren Zima also discussed the Ohio city. Both podcasts wondered how much Cleveland paid ABC for the giant tourism ad that was this was this episode of The Bachelor.

But they also had a major issue with one of Weber’s claims about Cleveland.

The Bachelor made a faux pas describing a superhero’s backstory on the most recent episode

“We need to correct the record; it’s really important,” Litman started off her podcast.

When The Bachelor first arrives in Cleveland, Weber does a “bit” about the city. He starts an interview with only his fist in the shot. Then, Weber rises up to a Superman pose.

“This is where Superman is from,” Weber claims in the episode.

“Two notes on that, Peter,” Litman said on her podcast. “One: Superman, famously from Krypton, hence Kryptonite.”

“Duh!” Zima responds.

“Two: Smallville was set in Kansas! Superman, Clark Kent, grew up in Kansas.” Very incorrect Superman info, Weber.

“I think this says a lot about Peter,” Litman argued. “I don’t wanna be too mean, but I have a feeling that Peter might not necessarily have the widest breadth of knowledge of anyone who’s ever come across this show.” Granted, people from the coasts tend to know quite little about Midwest geography.

Litman says while she’s not a huge superhero fan, she knows this much.

Peter Weber
The Bachelor Season 24 star Peter Weber | VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images

“I was pretty sure that in no time in discussion of Superman has Cleveland come up,” she said. “He’s not from Cleveland.”

“I really appreciate that they did not change that,” Zima acknowledged of The Bachelor producers. “I feel like they probably fact-checked it and just left it in because they love Easter Eggs.”

Zima says that the episode had so much drama that she almost forgot about Weber’s superhero slip-up. Litman did not.

“Really important note,” she said.

‘The Bachelor’ spoiler: Pilot Pete hearts Cleveland

Martinez and Ambrose agreed on Chatty Broads.

“Peter’s claim of Cleveland was like, ‘Superman was born here.’ No, Superman was born on the planet Krypton,” Martinez clarified. “So, first of all, you’re wrong.”

“Spoiler alert,” Ambrose joked, “but the person who Peter clearly falls in love with the end is Cleveland … he was beaming.”

Good for you, Cleveland! Look at you, getting your bad self on network television. Even better that you have a guy on The Bachelor who thinks a superhero is from your city.