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Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor has been filled with drama. A surefire sign of a dramatic season? Canceled cocktail parties. Throughout Weber’s season, viewers felt as if the pilot was canceling events left and right. He canceled the first group date after his emotional conversation with Hannah Brown, he walked out of a pool party, and cocktail parties were either canceled or cut short.

Peter Weber and contestants | Eric McCandless via Getty Images
Peter Weber and contestants | Eric McCandless via Getty Images

Why Peter Weber canceled or cut short so many group events

In a recent interview the bachelor did with Buzzfeed, he spoke about his choice to cancel the cocktail party in Costa Rica.

“I knew what I wanted to do and there was no reason delaying the inevitable. Being on this side of it, there is this part of sympathy. You don’t want to have to put someone through a cocktail party and have a conversation with someone that you already know you’re sending home. It’s tough, It’s a weird position to be in,” he said.  

He also touched on why he canceled the pool party in the midst of all the Alayah Benavidez drama.

“I was taking so much from everyone and it was tough. I was kind of just overwhelmed and I didn’t like what I was hearing about people, what they were saying about Alayah. I just kind of needed to go and take a deep breath and decompress. Obviously, it caused drama but it is what it is,” he said.  

Peter Weber liked being the bachelor more than he liked being on ‘The Bachelorette’

Though Weber says The Bachelor was more challenging than he ever could have imagined, he still liked being in the lead role way more than he liked being a contestant on The Bachelorette.

“I loved being the bachelor, for sure, more than being on The Bachelorette. The Bachelorette was awesome but I’ve never had that huge personality so group dates were always a little weird for me. I didn’t want to have to try too hard to stick out,” he said. “So I always kind of battled with that. But being the bachelor, you’re very lucky to have a lot of amazing women there trying to pursue a relationship with you as well.”

Peter Weber wishes he would have done things differently

Through all of his ups and downs as the bachelor, Weber says that, though he wishes he did some things differently, he gives himself grace.

“Of course I wish I did things differently. I think anyone going through this kind of experience would have that. But I just know and I can feel confident that in the moment I was making every decision based on my heart and what I thought was the right decision. It’s so easy for people to judge and make all these comments on what I should and shouldn’t have done but I know nothing going around. I know nothing except for my interactions with everyone in that moment,” he said.

Weber continued: “I give myself a lot of self-grace for that. I don’t beat myself up at all. I know I could have put my foot down a lot more in a lot of situations but I am also a person–I love to give people the benefit of the doubt. I want to see the good in people. It’s a quality I’m proud of myself for having but in this specific situation it definitely kind of bit me and it is what it is.”

It is what it is.

Read more: Well, It Looks Like Hannah Brown Will Probably Not Be The Next Bachelorette