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If there’s one thing The Bold and the Beautiful knows how to deliver, it’s catfights. And they brought the claws out in spades this week. First, Quinn and Katie got into a fight over Carter. But that little tussle actually has a lot more layers than originally believed. And then, Hope, Ridge, Brooke, and even Liam got into it over Deacon. Hope wants her daddy, folks, and nobody’s going to stop her from having him in her life. Never mind that Deacon is a hot mess — her daddy is her daddy. And if it means giving up her mama, her step-daddy, and even Liam, oh well. (Somehow, we’re pretty sure she’s going to live to regret it, especially if Liam ends up back in Steffy’s arms.) Anyway, let’s get right into what happened this week on The Bold and the Beautiful.

The Bold and the Beautiful weekly recap focuses on Hope, pictured here in a white sweater
‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ | Sonja Flemming/CBS via Getty Images

Everybody loves Carter on ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’

Carter is definitely the most eligible bachelor on The Bold and the Beautiful. (But, in real life, Lawrence Saint-Victor is married. Sorry ladies.) So much so, in fact, that Quinn and Katie got into it on the Nov. 9 and 10 episodes of the show.

Soaps @ SheKnows confirms that Katie’s burgeoning romance with Quinn’s former squeeze didn’t sit well with the philandering Forrester wife. They got into it, and Carter jumped to Katie’s defense. This, naturally, sent Quinn reeling, because she’s used to having her cake and eating it too.

But as it turns out, there are layers to these issues. You see, Katie’s sister Donna was previously married to Quinn’s husband Eric. Donna recently tried to get back together with Eric, and there seemed to be a chance of that happening when Eric began being able to “perform” again. However, Eric banished Donna from his life forever (on Quinn’s orders, of course), leaving poor Donna heartbroken. Katie wants blood from this. It just may be that Carter is an after-thought.

Hope is still Daddy’s girl

Meanwhile, there are other Logan sisters who are “going through it” on The Bold and the Beautiful. Brooke is having a time of it with her daughter, Hope, who wants her daddy Deacon back in her life at all costs. Needless to say, this isn’t going over well with Brooke, her man Ridge, or Hope’s man Liam. And Hope’s been bringing out the claws in full force to stand firm in her beliefs.


‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ Speculation: Deacon & Sheila’s Match Made In Hell Just May Turn Real

Look for the fallout to continue in this blended family. And don’t be surprised if Hope and Liam end up divorced over this mess.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Los Angeles

On today’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, expect Jack and Sheila to go out to lunch to discuss (what else?) Finn. SoapHub confirms that Jack still doesn’t want Sheila around their son. But will his “good cop, bad cop” act work on Sheila? (Spoiler alert: probably not.)

We can’t wait to see what comes next on The Bold and the Beautiful.