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The Challenge rookie Olivia Kaiser and teammate Horacio Gutiérrez had the potential to take home the win during their first go-around until a freak accident disqualified them from the game. Following her elimination, Olivia revealed the incident broke her face in five places.

Olivia Kaiser broke her face in five places during ‘The Challenge 38’ final

Rookies Olivia Kaiser and Horacio Gutiérrez started the finals off in a good position as they finished cycling for 100 kilometers first, giving them the most time to set up camp and sleep.

However, during their first checkpoint, Olivia cut part of her finger while throwing the bolas, requiring medical attention. She continued competing, and the two advanced to the third checkpoint in second place.

When the newcomer attempted to shoot a golf ball at a target, it reversed and hit her in the face, ultimately resulting in their disqualification.

Following her elimination, she appeared on MTV’s Official Challenge Podcast, where she confirmed the freak accident broke her face in five different places. During the February 2023 interview, Olivia explained she broke her nose, the optical bone behind her eyeballs, and cracked her skull to the hairline. Additionally, she recalled only being able to look straight ahead, not up or down.

Olivia considers the freak accident a ‘blessing’

The rookie also detailed her experience in the Argentinian hospital, noting no one spoke English.

Due to her going in and out of consciousness and inconsistent vision, Olivia claimed the medical professionals initially thought she had brain swelling, causing her to get concerned.

After meeting with several different doctors, she learned she didn’t break her finger but did break her face in five places, resulting in her having to see an eye specialist. Not knowing what was happening, partly due to the language barrier, Olivia recalled not wanting to return to her hotel and remained in the hospital for at least a full day.

She has since met with a doctor in the United States and has had surgery. Additionally, the rookie confirmed the accident left her with a scar on her nose. Despite the difficult situation, Olivia called it a “blessing” because it made her confront insecurities surrounding her looks.

Teammates Horacio Gutiérrez and Olivia had a memorable rookie season

Friends Olivia and Horacio entered the game as alternates and quickly proved themselves with an elimination victory against returning champ Turbo Çamkıran and his girlfriend, Tamara Alfaro.

They immediately found themselves in the sand again but pulled out the win, sending rookies Johnny Middlebrooks and Ravyn Rochelle home. The two remained safe for a few weeks until the house helped them take out Jay Starrett and Michele Fitzgerald.


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When they separated, Olivia remained safe, primarily due to her team’s multiple challenge wins, but Horacio found himself in two eliminations, winning both, including one against three-time champ Jordan Wiseley.

The formidable team advanced to the finals, where they seemed like the team to beat until Olivia’s accident, resulting in their disqualification in fourth place. Regardless, fans are impressed by their performance and hope the two return for a future season. The Challenge airs Wednesdays on MTV.