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The Challenge: USA is in the middle of a very successful first season on CBS. The latest version of the long-running reality competition features big names from the world of major franchises — Survivor, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, and Love Island — competing on The Challenge for the very first time. 

There are no OG competitors from the MTV version competing on The Challenge: USA. But that hasn’t stopped standout Tyson Apostol from calling out CT Tamburello on social media. According to the Survivor winner, he could easily beat the Challenge GOAT and it would be a “cake walk.”

The Challenge USA competitor Tyson Apostol in his official photo for the show
Tyson Apostol | Laura Barisonzi/CBS

‘Survivor’ legend Tyson Apostol claims he could beat ‘The Challenge’ GOAT CT Tamburello

Survivor fans are extremely familiar with Tyson Apostol because his dry humor and deadpan wit has always stood out when he’s part of the cast. Tyson has competed on Survivor a whopping four times, with his first appearance being on season 18 Survivor: Tocantins

He was on the hero tribe in season 20 Heroes vs Villains, and he won the million-dollar prize in season 27 Blood vs Water. Tyson was also part of the star-studded 40th season Winners at War.

In the world of The Challenge, though, Tyson is nothing more than a 43-year-old rookie. He quickly established himself as a power player by winning the season’s first two competitions. He won the most money in the first few episodes,  and he integrated himself into every alliance to control the vote and avoid the arena.

According to his social media feed, Tyson’s feeling pretty good about himself and his Challenge performance just a few episodes into his tenure.

Tyson Apostol gets roasted by fans for claiming he could beat CT Tamburello

It’s true that Tyson is a strong physical competitor, and he’s strategically shined during the first few episodes of The Challenge: USA. He chose former Big Brother player Angela Rummons as his partner to win the first challenge. And despite the twist of randomly assigned partners at each elimination, Tyson has managed to earn a top spot thanks to his background as a collegiate swimmer and professional cyclist.

He’s pretty much dominating so far, and is the closest to qualifying for the final. Tyson is the first powerhouse player of The Challenge: USA, and he thinks that automatically puts him on the level of Challenge GOAT CT Tamburello.

“To those comparing me to those on the “OG” challenge… A lot of them can bench press more than me but 70-80 even 90% of the game I have them crushed. Talking cake walk,” Tyson tweeted.

Needless to say, this post got the attention of Challenge fans. And they started roasting Tyson immediately.

“I like the confidence but you’re hilariously wrong. The Challenge and Finals is about more than Braun vs Endurance,” one fan wrote. “FYI CT has never been in a Hall Brawl elimination. His bread and butter is puzzles.  Knot so fast… Yeah I don’t think so. Jordan… Smokes you. JB smokes you.”

CT Tamburello is ‘The Challenge King’

One fan replied to Tyson’s comment with both a compliment and an argument. They wrote, “You are awesome but CT is the Challenge King.” In response, Tyson wrote back, “Sure, but his endurance fails and he’s got a big ol frame to drag around.”

Another Challenge viewer told Tyson that they would love to see how his declaration would play out against the vets because it wouldn’t be as easy as the Survivor vet thinks it would be. 


‘The Challenge: USA’: Tyson Apostol Admitted He Tried to Work With ‘Anybody I Can Manipulate’

Tyson noted that they would “definitely” target him ASAP. And, he believes that “Tocantins Tyson” — who competed on Survivor at the age of 29 — would have been the “greatest Challenge player of all time.”

The Challenge: USA airs Wednesdays on CBS.