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The Challenge: USA is just days away from wrapping up its very first season. But before they could get to the finale, they had to eliminate a player in episode 10 “Pledges of Allegiance.” 

David Alexander found himself in the elimination after coming in last in the Code Crossing challenge. He was ultimately sent home by Enzo Palumbo, despite the fact that he wanted to go head-to-head with Tyson Apostol. In an exclusive interview with Showbiz Cheat Sheet, David told us that money wasn’t the only reason he wanted the Survivor alum in the elimination.

The Challenge: USA star David Alexander in his official cast photo
David Alexander | Laura Barisonzi/David Alexander | Laura Barisonzi/Paramount

‘The Challenge: USA’ star is still exhausted from his elimination

We talked with David just after his elimination episode aired on CBS, and he told us he was “living his best life” after reliving that moment and watching himself go home. We asked if he was still exhausted from the “Balls In” elimination. And in addition to saying “yes,” he also revealed some behind-the-scenes info.

“Yes. I threw up like 8000 times. They tried to send me home in an ambulance. I literally was beyond exhaustion. It took me like 20 minutes to walk back out to say congratulations,” David revealed. 

The Big Brother alum added that he agreed to do the show because he couldn’t get voted out, a big alliance couldn’t control the game, and there was “no back door.” Instead, people had to beat him for him to go home. And, as an added bonus, he got to send people home — like Big Brother 23 winner Xavier Prather.

“That was my redemptive moment that changed my whole mindset,” David confessed. “I think that is what led me to get this close to next week’s final.”

Money wasn’t the only reason David Alexander wanted Tyson Apostol in the elimination

David found out in advance that he would be going up against Enzo in elimination. But, he wanted to go against Tyson because he thought he could take him out — and he wanted his money. 

“I wanted Tyson for this for a few reasons. He doesn’t have the physicality to win an elimination. I also noticed that when he was not doing well on challenges, he would start to space out on set,” David told us.

“I can see that he knew he was a target and that there was a chance that he might lose and it would change his whole demeanor. To me, that was a sign of weakness. And another reason, Tyson won a lot.”

David Alexander has ‘no respect’ for his ‘The Challenge: USA’ co-star

David revealed that after Tyson won his second challenge with Justine, he had a conversation with them. It was their first game convo, and David says he went up to Tyson and told him “Yo, good job. You’re dominating so far, I know you’re trying to figure out who to put in.” But, the way Tyson responded didn’t sit well.

“At this point, I knew it wasn’t going to be me because [Tyson] won with Love Island, but I just wanted to at least say something,” David explained. 


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“And to me he looks down, he’s tall, and he’s like, ‘Yeah, I saved you twice. You owe me.’ And I’m like, ‘Whoa there, sir, I know why I’m not going in. I don’t owe you anything.’ So as soon as he said that, I was like, All right, I don’t mess with this guy. Like, No respect.”

The Challenge: USA Season 1 two-hour finale airs Wednesday, September 14 on CBS.