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[SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for The Chi Season 3 Episode 5.]

After almost thinking someone killed Keisha last episode, her whereabouts are finally revealed. In The Chi Season 3 Episode 5, viewers check in on the teenager, Emmett, Dom, Kevin, and his friends as they deal with a blackout that only affected the Southside.

Elvis Mitchell, Lena Waithe, Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine, Jason Mitchell, Jacob Latimore, Alex R. Hibbert and Yolonda Ross at Film Independent Presents Showtime Screening Series - 'The Chi'
Elvis Mitchell, Lena Waithe, Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine, Jason Mitchell, Jacob Latimore, Alex R. Hibbert and Yolonda Ross at Film Independent Presents Showtime Screening Series – ‘The Chi’ | Araya Diaz

Jada met Tomas’ family

After seeing co-worker Tomas (Salvador Chacon) for a little while, Jada (Yolanda Ross) met his family. When speaking to his mother and another family member, the nurse found out that Tomas was previously married to a woman who has since passed.

The conversation got very awkward, resulting in Jada meditating in the bathroom to avoid having a panic attack. She later expressed her feelings to Tomas, who admitted he wasn’t ready to talk about his ex. However, he told Jada that his late wife wanted him to find happiness after her, putting the nurse at ease.

Emmett and Dom have a cookout during blackout

Exhausted from running the late-night eatery, Emmett (Jacob Latimore) began slacking off at work, annoying Sonny (Cedric Young). Additionally, Dom (La La Anthony) wanted him to tell the owner what they were doing after hours, but Emmett promised he would handle it himself down the line. While they were feeding customers later that night, southside Chicago experienced a blackout.

However, Emmett suggested they continue business using the smoker since it didn’t need electricity. They ended up gathering a massive crowd of people who wanted to hang out and eat during the blackout. Therefore, Emmett took some of Sonny’s chicken to keep the party going.

Before long, the owner came over and confronted his worker. Sonny admitted he knew what Emmett was doing, but wanted the young man he viewed as a son to tell himself. The 21-year-old didn’t have anything to say for himself, and Sonny shut the party down, and seemingly fired Emmett.

Kevin and friends check out an empty building

While Kevin (Alex R. Hibbert), Jemma (Judae’a), Papa (Shamon Brown Jr.), Maisha (Genesis Denise Hale), and Jake (Michael Epps) explored a building, the blackout occurred, scaring the teenagers.

Kevin and Jemma wanted to walk home using a street Jake deemed as dangerous, so the couple left and set out on their own. On their journey, Kevin came across a mural dedicated to the young woman his parents found, thinking she was their daughter.

Papa and Maisha went home a separate way and ended up at Sonny’s, where they officially started dating. Jake arrived at the house he lived in with Otis “Douda” Perry (Curtiss Cook).

The mayoral candidate began teaching the teenager about saxophonist Von Freeman, a man he deemed “a Chicago legend.” A text message from his bodyguard interrupted the music lesson, and Douda left to confront a man who spray-painted his mayor campaign yard signs.

The guy told the businessman that he was nothing like Harold Washington, Douda’s idol growing up, resulting in the mayoral candidate stomping the young man to death, with Jake watching.

Trig and Imani try to get Jake back

Social services stopped by Trig (Luke James) and Imani’s (Jasmine Davis) apartment to determine if their place was fit to care for a child. The woman explained they had a few things to fix before they could properly apply to adopt Jake, annoying Trig, and scaring off Imani.

She began packing once the woman left because she feared her past, which included the murder of her father in self-defense, would ruin Trig’s chances of adopting his little brother. Later that night, a distraught Jake ran to his brother’s house, traumatized from what he witnessed.

Keisha held captive

For the first time, viewers were able to check in on Keisha (Birgundi Baker), who is being held captive by a man fascinated with her track career named Omari (Cedric Mays). It’s unclear how the two crossed paths, but he noted she was “filthy” and “dressed like a slut” when he found her.

He held the teenager in a room with cameras that followed her everywhere and watched her as she used the restroom. During the blackout, Keisha attempted to break out of the double padlocked apartment.

When she finally got the door open, Omari came home, and the teenager ran out the back. She fell to the ground in joy, but her kidnapper almost immediately scooped her up and dragged her back inside.

Ronnie (Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine), who recently got baptized and received words of encouragement from his grandmother, seemingly heard Keisha’s screams and began looking around for her when the episode ended.

‘The Chi’ Season 3 Episode 5 soundtrack

Smith – “Clumsy”
-Plays when Jemma walks into the restaurant

Makio – “Closure”
-Played while Maisha and Papa were at Sonny’s

Naomi August – “You”
-Plays while teenagers dance

‘The Chi’s’ Yolanda Ross Wasn’t Concerned About The Show’s Future After Brandon Mitchell’s Firing

Aly-Us – “Follow Me (Club Mix)”
-Play while Emmett and Dom talked about food reviewer

Von Freeman – “Blue Pres”
-Song Douda plays for Jake

All of these songs are available on YouTube and Spotify. The Chi airs Sundays at 9 p.m. EST on Showtime.