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Former NCIS star and current lead actor in Bull, Michael Weatherly has been married to the double-board certified MD Bojana Jankovic since 2009. The couple, though boasting quite successful careers, also manages to keep a happy family running, for they have two children together: a daughter Olivia and son Liam. 

Just like his character in NCIS, Michael Weatherly boast quite the funny bone, and his knack for comedy came in handy when his wife was in labor. Jankovic chose to skip out on the epidural — opting for an-all naturale birth — and she needed her husband’s cleverness to keep a smile on her face when the pain grew unbearable.

NCIS Michael Weatherly and Bojana Jankovic
Michael Weatherly and Bojana Jankovic | Image Group LA/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

A few years back, Michael Weatherly appeared as a guest co-host alongside Kelly Ripa on Live with Kelly and Ryan. During the commercial break, he took a moment to share how he made his wife laugh while giving birth to a ten-pound child. And, let’s just say the story, while funny, is also a tad bit gross — in perfect Michael Weatherly fashion. Would we expect anything less?

Michael Weatherly on how he made his wife laugh during labor; a camp constipation tale to the rescue 

After Kelly Ripa showed a picture of a 15-pound newborn to the audience, noting that the mother “lived,” Michael Weatherly went on to explain that his wife gave birth to two 10-pound babies without an epidural. He said that she was in the shower with “about six people.” He stated that “she wanted me to make her laugh,” so he told an old story from his childhood that made her laugh through the “final burst of contractions.” He explained that it involved a camp visit from back when he was 12 years old.  


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Weatherly, at first, said he would not tell the story, but when a commercial break came, he decided to share, despite going a bit red in the face. Weatherly explained how he “for the first six days…did not poop” at camp. Kelly Ripa went on to comment that “it’s called camp induced constipation.” Weatherly went on to dive further into the soon-to-be embarrassing memory:

Michael Weatherly and an 18-foot boa constrictor

We were on an overnight hike in the mountains. And, all of a sudden, I was leaning over looking to see if there was a salamander that was sunbathing…and I knew I had about six seconds before I was going to give birth to my little lovechild, so I just ripped my pants down in front the entire camp…I uncoiled what looked like an 18-foot boa constrictor. 

Live with Kelly and Ryan

While Weatherly’s story may not be the best story for a dinner party — as it could quickly remove anyone’s appetite — it sure is funny. And, luckily for him, it was enough to make his wife laugh during labor without an epidural. The content was great, but his original delivery likely sealed the deal.