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The Good Doctor’s Park and Morgan had a thing, but now it’s done—or is it? It has been frustrating to watch Dr. Morgan Reznick (Fiona Gubelmann) and Dr. Alex Park (Will Yun Lee) interact. At first, they’re really into each other, then they’re sort of seeing each other, and now they’re having prickly interactions. What’s going on with these two? 

Morgan and Park were once hot and heavy

Will Yun Lee and Fiona Gubelmann
Will Yun Lee and Fiona Gubelmann | Jack Rowand/ABC via Getty Images

Things between Park and Morgan used to be pretty heated. At first, they would flirt and joke at work, and nothing serious was happening between them. Then, after Park’s divorce was finalized, they became housemates.

After a few weeks, Park confessed he had feelings for Morgan. She told him he would have to move out since she didn’t want to live with someone who had feelings for her. After Morgan thought about it, she agreed to start a romance with Park. However, their relationship was limited to the occasional hook-up.

Morgan didn’t want Park to get attached, so she told him to date other women. This confused him and made him think about what he really wants. He decided he wants to be in a relationship. He tells Morgan just hooking up wasn’t going to be enough for him, so he takes a step back. He takes Morgan’s advice and starts dating someone else. He chooses to go on a date with one of the pediatric residents.

Park later admits he began developing real feelings for Morgan, and that when she told him to date other people, it made him realize he wanted to be with her. However, since she says she doesn’t want anything serious, Park tells her he only wants to maintain a professional with her. He doesn’t want to go back to joking around and teasing. It just makes things confusing for them.

“I thought our relationship was just a fun distraction, but when you pushed me away, I realized it was more than that,” Park tells Morgan. “I was hurt, resentful, which made every interaction we had complicated.”

Morgan is jealous of Park’s new girlfriend

Will Yun Lee with Fiona Gubelmann
Will Yun Lee with Fiona Gubelmann | ABC/Jeff Weddell

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Most of the confusion is coming from Morgan. On one hand, she says she doesn’t want anything serious. However, when she sees Park with his new girlfriend, she looks hurt and angry. Morgan doesn’t know what she wants. She even tried to discourage Park from dating her, saying pediatric residents are too emotional.

Morgan’s behavior is frustrating for Park. He doesn’t understand why Morgan is upset with him for doing exactly what she told him to do. During The Good Doctor Season 4 Episode 19 (titled “Venga”), Park tries to be cordial. In one scene, he asks Morgan if she needs help with her suitcase (she declines his offer). In another scene, Park tries to make conversation with Morgan, but she gets up and leaves the table.

Part of Morgan’s anger is because Park told her they can’t be friends anymore. He only wants to have a professional relationship. Morgan is having a tough time accepting Park’s wishes. Even though they’re not together, she still wants to be friends and maintain a flirtatious relationship.

Morgan and Park still have feelings for each other

It was clear from episode 19 that Morgan and Park still have romantic feelings for each other. They want to be together, but their communication is terrible. Morgan says one thing but means something else (because she is confused), and Park isn’t sure what to make of it all.

It seems like Morgan does want a serious relationship, but she’s afraid of getting hurt. Being vulnerable is terrifying for her. It’s time for Morgan to move past her fear and allow herself to enjoy a loving, healthy relationship.

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