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Strong mother and daughter relationships are wonderful. Sometimes, however, life gets pretty busy and the moms and their daughters don’t get to spend as much time together as they would like to, especially when they live far away from each other.

Even so, when a daughter becomes a first-time mom, as Meghan Markle recently did, the first person she usually leans on for support and advice is her mother. This seems to be the case with the Duchess of Sussex and Doria Ragland. They have always been extremely close, and when Duchess Meghan married into the royal family, Ragland and Prince Harry became close as well.

Now that Baby Archie has arrived, there is no doubt that Markle’s mom is just over the moon at being a grandmother to an adorable baby boy. Like and new mom, Duchess Meghan surely has some questions about parenthood. So, what is the important lesson that Markle’s mom taught her about being a parent?

Meghan Markle and Doria Ragland have always been close

A media shot of Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Samir Hussein/WireImage

It is pretty safe to say that in addition to being a mother and daughter duo, Markle and Ragland are also great friends. Even Prince Harry described her as being “amazing” during his and Duchess Meghan‘s engagement interview, which is pretty huge.

The List reports that Ragland is extremely supportive of Markle, which is evident whenever they are seen together. In fact, Ragland is so well-liked by the royals that she was even invited to spend a holiday at the queen’s Sandringham estate.

Ragland has been a role model for her daughter, and they have one of the strongest bonds around. As most royal fans are well aware, Ragland even calls Duchess Meghan by the cute nickname of “Flower.” 

Doria Ragland was the only member of Meghan Markle’s family at the royal wedding

When the world tuned in to see Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry tie the knot in one of the most spectacular ceremonies of our time, most of us noticed that the only family member of Duchess Meghan’s who was in attendance was her mother. Ragland rode with her daughter in a car to the chapel as thousands of people lined up in the streets to cheer on the bride and offer congratulations. During the ceremony, we saw her with tears of joy in her eyes as her beloved daughter exchanged vows with Prince Harry and officially became the Duchess of Sussex. 

Doria Ragland was excited to welcome her first grandson

She may live thousands of miles away from her royal daughter and son-in-law, but that didn’t stop Ragland from hopping on a plane and heading across the pond to meet her grandson shortly after his birth. According to Closer, Ragland was beyond excited to become a first-time grandmother, and we can’t say that we blame her!

She stayed at Frogmore Cottage with Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry to help care for the newborn and given that she and her daughter are so close, it was even thought that Ragland would be living there permanently, although that hasn’t happened.

The important lesson Meghan Markle’s mom taught her about being a parent

Duchess Meghan speaks so highly of her mother, and it is clear that she has nothing but respect for Ragland. So, when it comes to being a parent, what did Duchess Meghan learn?

To always be as strong as possible and true to yourself. According to CNN, Ragland didn’t always have the easiest time. She dealt with racial slurs and even people assuming she was Duchess Meghan’s nanny. Tet, she never let the negativity get her down.

This is something that has definitely been passed on to Duchess Meghan, who is now a mother herself, with the added pressure of raising a child in the spotlight. Looks like Ragland knows best!