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In the hit Netflix series The Last Kingdom, Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon) is reunited with his teenage children, including Young Uhtred (Finn Elliot) who doesn’t really like his name. Uhtred soon realizes how different his son is compared to himself and he struggles to connect with him at first.

Why Young Uhtred doesn’t like his name

Alexander Dreymon in 'The Last Kingdom'
Alexander Dreymon in ‘The Last Kingdom’ | Joe Alblas/Netflix

In season 4, Uhtred decides he will try and take back his native homeland of Bebbanburg from his uncle. Of course, he wouldn’t dream of attempting it without his son by his side. After all, Uhtred sees Bebbabburg as much his children’s as it is his own.

Uhtred and his men take Young Uhtred from a church he was living at. Young Uhtred doesn’t seem too thrilled to see his father though. When they meet, his son tells him not to call him Uhtred, since the name “belongs to a priest killer.”

Uhtred and his son finally connect

Young Uhtred is there when his father attempts to take back Bebbanburg where they fail miserably. Despite this loss, Uhtred and his son connect, especially over the loss of Gisela (Peri Baumeister), Uhtred’s late wife and Young Uhtred’s mother. Young Uhtred recalls a moment when his mother told him his father fights because he wants to keep the people he loves safe.

“That day I asked her why you left us,” Young Uhtred tells his father. “And she said you fought because you believed in a cause. Not for god, nor the gods, or for Saxons, or for Danes, but to keep safe the people that you love. She said that is why you always have the strength to stand up when others fall, and to go on when those around you say it is hopeless. It is why these men love you and will follow you wherever you go. As will I.”

Young Uhtred realizes his father is good-hearted and a leader. His men look up to him and Young Uhtred sees that his father is someone he wants to follow as well. It’s something his mother saw and what he now sees.

Alexander Dreymon talks about his on-screen son


‘The Last Kingdom’: Why Finan Gets Real With Young Uhtred About His Father

Alexander Dreymon spoke with Variety before the release of season 4. He talks about his relationship with his on-screen son and how perfect Finn Elliot is for the role of Young Uhtred. Dreymon describes Elliot as “bouncing around” on-screen.

“Yeah, I mean Young Uhtred — he’s at the perfect age to play this teenager. He’s got this bounciness,” Dreymon said. “When he’s in scenes with you, you see on-screen he’s kind of bouncing around. He tries so hard to be a grown-up, but he isn’t quite yet. He’s just so sweet and so everything Finn [Elliot] brought to that part I think really shows on-screen. And when you get to see some pictures of myself when I was around that age I look so similar to him. So it was really easy to make that dynamic work.”

Uhtred and his son finally connect in season 4 and it’s nice to see. After having his children taken away from him, it’s refreshing to witness Uhtred finally have a relationship with his son and his daughter, Stiorra (Ruby Hartley). Check back for all the latest information involving season 4 of The Last Kingdom.