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Is this the wildest theory about The Office? During a recent Office Ladies podcast discussion of one episode, hosts Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer addressed one theory that Angela had a crush on Roy — and it’s honestly not as far-fetched as you’d think.

'The Office' cast
‘The Office’ cast | Mitchell Haaseth/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Images

Did Angela have a crush on Roy?

During the July 8 Office Ladies podcast, the hosts did a deep dive into season 3, episode 7 “Branch Closing,” which involves the news that the Scranton office will close.

Take note of the subtle interaction between Angela and Roy. In the episode, Angela and Kevin break the news to Roy about the branch closing and Roy appears concerned about Pam being transferred, but Angela misreads the situation. “She’s like, ‘Oh Roy, you’ll be fine. You’re so strong and capable,’” Fischer explained.

A fan asked the podcast hosts, “Angela, when you’re talking to Roy, it seems like Angela has a thing for Roy. Did she?”

‘Office Ladies’ confirm there might be something to the theory

Kinsey said that many fans have speculated about this very thing. The answer, it turns out, is “yes, it seems like Angela always had a thing for Roy,” she said.

Fischer pointed to some early episodes that gave a hint of this flirtation. In season 2 “The Fire,” when they play the game “Who Would You Do,” Roy says “What’s the name of that tight-a*s Christian chick, the blonde?”

“Then in ‘The Secret,’ when Angela and Phyllis are in the kitchen and they’re cleaning out the fridge, Phyllis asks Angela who she’d pick if she were in Pam’s shoes, Jim or Roy… but then she gets this kind of weird look on her face and she goes, ‘Roy,'” Kinsey added.

If that wasn’t enough to indicate that Angela might be sweet on Roy, Kinsey said that “It’s further fleshed out” in the The Office webisodes with the accountants. Kinsey said that in episode 5 of the webisodes, the accountants wonder if Roy took money that went missing. “Angela says ‘absolutely not, that he has too much character’ and Kevin asks Angela if she has a crush on Roy and Angela gets very, very flustered.”

And don’t forget the season 2 episode “Casino Night,” where Angela and Roy have a little exchange. The two sit next to each other at the bar and they exchange a look when Michael addresses the crowd and says “new lovers.”

“My personal favorite,” Kinsey said, “In the episode ‘The Negotiation’… Roy is coming in to get his very last paycheck and Angela keeps having everyone in the office retell her about the moment Roy tried to attack Jim and Dwight intervened.” Kinsey thinks Angela seems as turned on about Roy being aggressive as she is about Dwight being a hero.

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Was this intentional?

While there were subtle instances that Angela had a thing for Roy, Kinsey checked in with two of the show’s writers to find out their intentions.

She explained that Paul Lieberstein said, “We never really entertained it going anywhere, we just thought it was funny that Angela liked this rougher, less tolerant guy when the rest of the world was thinking ‘he’s kind of a jerk’ and they’re all rooting for Jim.”

Greg Daniels told her that “Roy and Pam were more of a traditional relationship and Pam needed a more modern equal relationship, but it made sense that Angela would be attracted to Roy. It could have turned into something but Roy had to get in line behind Dwight and Andy.”