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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s trial resumed on May 16, 2022, and it feels like the eyes of the world once are once again on them. Depp sued Heard for defamation after she wrote an article published by The Washington Post claiming he abused her. This week Depp’s lawyers began their cross-examination of Heard, and they pointed out how Depp won’t look at Heard during the trial.

Johnny Depp, wearing a suit in court, won't look at Amber Heard.
US actor Johnny Depp during a hearing at the Fairfax County Circuit Courthouse | (Photo by Jim Watson / Pool / AFP)

Johnny Depp’s lawyer, Camille Vasquez, asks why Depp won’t look at Amber Heard

Vasquez began her cross-examination of Heard in court on May 16, but Vasquez’s question may have seemed odd at first. She started questioning Heard about whether or not Depp looked at her at all during the trial.

“Mr. Depp hasn’t looked at you once this entire trial, has he?” Vaquez asked

“Not that I’ve noticed, no,” Heard answered.

Vasquez continued, “You’ve looked at him though many times, haven’t you?”

“Yes I have,” Heard replied.

“You know exactly why Mr. Depp won’t look back at you, don’t you?” Vasquez asked. “He promised you would never see his eyes again, isn’t that true?”

Audiences might have been confused about the point Vasquez was trying to make. She then had the court play an audio clip that gave some background regarding her questions.

Johnny Depp promised Amber Heard she ‘would never see his eyes again’

In May 2016, Heard filed a restraining order against Depp and accused him of domestic violence. Heard claimed Depp “violently attacked” her in their penthouse apartment. She also submitted photographs of herself with a bruise on her face and shattered glass from broken bottles on the floor.

In July 2016, Depp and Heard agreed to meet, allegedly because Heard wanted to reconcile their relationship, according to the testimony of the couple’s former agent. (Heard denied this allegation earlier during the trial.) However, Depp’s team played audio from that meeting during the trial, and it included Depp telling Heard, “We wont have to see each other again. … You will not see my eyes again.”


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Camille Vasquez’s questioning continued after the audio clip

Heard, dressed in a gray suit, continued answering Vasquez’s questions about Depp, and when Vasquez asked if Depp “kept that promise” of not looking at Heard again, Heard replied, “As far as I know, he cannot look at me.”

Vasquez corrected Heard and said, “He won’t look at you, right, Ms. Heard?” However, Heard quickly shot back, “He can’t.”

Vasquez also touched on Heard’s claims that Depp held her hostage for three days in 2015. Earlier this month, Heard claimed Depp raped her using liquor bottles, causing her to bleed afterward. Vasquez questioned Heard about why she never sought medical attention for that particular incident.

Heard told the courtroom, “I did not seek medical treatment after Australia, no.”

“Not for the rape?” Vasquez asked.

“No I didn’t tell anyone,” Heard answered.

The trial was initially expected to end by May 19, but the courts extended it due to the amount of evidence yet to be presented. Stay tuned to Showbiz Cheat Sheet for all your updates!