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When it comes to traveling, Prince William and Kate Middleton must always be prepared for the unexpected. In addition to the usual essentials – like a black outfit in case of a death – the royals are also required to bring along something a bit more unusual — their own blood.

That’s right. As strange as it may sound, a former press secretary for the royal family recently revealed that the Prince and Princess of Wales are required to bring a bag of their own blood with them whenever they travel. 

While it’s not something that most people would think to pack for a trip, it’s just another example of the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with being a member of the royal family. 

Prince William and Kate Middleton — then the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge — engage in a walkabout in Ballymena town centre on February 28, 2019 in Ballymena, Northern Ireland
Prince William and Kate Middleton in 2019 | Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

The royal family’s former press secretary reveals why Prince William and Kate Middleton travel with blood

In an interview with Hello Magazine, Dickie Arbiter, who used to work as a press secretary to Queen Elizabeth, revealed exactly why members of the royal family, like William and Kate, travel abroad with extra blood.

“You’ve got to make sure that you’re covering every eventuality and the aircraft would carry blood in case there was blood transfusion,” Arbiter explained. “There’s never any guarantee you are going to get the right type of blood at your destination.”

To be fair, the royals have to plan for various contingencies and worst case scenarios whenever they leave the country. While it may seem strange on the surface, it doesn’t come as a huge surprise that they keep extra blood on hand in case of an emergency.

Arbiter had a long run with the royal family and was a press secretary between 1988 and 2000. It’s safe to say that Arbiter experienced a lot of happenings behind the scenes, and carrying around blood isn’t the only thing the royals do differently when they travel.

An inside look at how the royals travel

It may be easy to assume that the royal family has an endless budget for travel, but the truth is that they must operate within financial limitations just like everyone else. In fact, they normally travel on British Airways if they are flying commercial. 

Regardless of how they get to their destinations, the royals always bring along their security team. As far as William and Kate are concerned, their security team is comprised of anywhere between 7 and 11 highly trained experts. 

The packing preparations of the royal family are also a lavish affair. When they embark on a journey, the royals make sure to travel with panache and elegance. That means fans will never catch William and Kate in loungewear, even when they are getting off the plane.

Prince William and Kate Middleton constantly break this one royal rule

William and Kate have a reputation for being dutiful and sticking to the rules of the royal family. However, recent reports suggest that the couple has been breaking one of the established etiquette rules that all members of the royal family are expected to abide by.

As a general rule, members of the royal family who are in line for the throne are not allowed to travel together. This was put in place in case of an accident that might wipe out multiple members of the royal family. 


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Despite this rule, however, William and Kate broke it when they traveled to Australia in 2014 with their oldest son, Prince George. The Prince and Princess of Wales have continued to travel together as a family, though admittedly travel has gotten a lot safer since the rule was put in place.