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Meghan McCain took a day off The View after an embarrassing moment with Whoopi Goldberg. It was not revealed if the conservative co-host skipped work due to a pre-planned day off or if it was a last-minute decision. To fill McCain’s spot, former full-time co-host Sara Haines was invited to join the “Hot Topics.” This change was greeted with enthusiasm by fans who are ready for her comeback.

Sara Haines and Meghan McCain
Sara Haines and Meghan McCain | Lou Rocco/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

Sara Haines fills in

Haines was a co-host for two seasons on the show before leaving to host her own talk show alongside Michael Strahan in an extension of Good Morning America. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic raging across the world, the third hour of GMA was converted into a news hour.

The television journalist had also been filling in on The View during the initial days of the transition from doing the show in-studio to broadcasting from home. Haines finally returned to the show when McCain took a day off and fans are elated.

What are fans saying?

Haines is a pro and knows how television works, being generous with her co-hosts and giving her opinion when the time is right. Viewers at home appreciated Haines’s return to the show and many suggested she replace McCain permanently.

“Thank you for providing a stress-free pleasant viewing experience with Sara as co-host today,” a fan said. “[Meghan McCain’s] negativity and rude demeanor is just too much to take anymore.”

“I was so happy to see that Sara was on The View in place of disrespectful, crybaby Meghan McCain,” a viewer added.

“She should come back to fill the empty seat,” a Twitter user suggested. “She’s fun and smart and fits in well. She could fill in while Meghan is on maternity leave and then just stay.”

“Such a breath of fresh air to have Sara sitting in today,” another fan commented. “Always loved her as a host and wish they would bring her back full-time. Don’t miss the Meghan and her bratty attitude at all. Here’s hoping Meghan takes off all the time she needs and Sara is her permanent replacement.”

“Bring Sara back permanently and get rid of Meghan,” another viewer tweeted. “Ana [Navarro] needs to be [a] permanent replacement for Abby [Huntsman], and Sara needs to be brought back permanently to replace Meghan.”

“Love her, Sara has the most beautiful smile and I love her thoughts,” another Twitter user noted. “Can we keep her instead of Meghan?”

Meghan McCain is going on maternity leave

McCain is pregnant with her first child and she will be going on maternity leave soon. ABC is set to make an announcement on the new season’s cast in the coming days. The Republican pundit has been keeping her pregnancy low-key and doesn’t share too many details. McCain recently shared why she has been keeping things private.

“Ben and I have made the conscious decision to guard our (growing) families’ privacy as much as is possible,” McCain posted on Instagram. “I believe children have a right to privacy and hope you will all understand as we navigate this as much as possible going forward without sacrificing our comfort or safety.”


‘The View’: Sara Haines Returned and Meghan McCain Finally Became Likeable to Fans

McCain has not announced when she is due or if she is going to return to the show after she gives birth.

The View airs weekdays at 11 a.m. ET and 10 a.m. CT/PT on ABC.