‘The Witcher’ Season 2: Triss’s Unrequited Feelings for Geralt Feel Abrupt And Unexplained
There is no denying that part of the charm of The Witcher was the steaming and tension-filled romance between Yennefer (Anya Chalotra) and Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill). But The Witcher Season 2 brought in a new romance storyline that felt unexplored as Triss Merigold (Anna Shaffer) shows some brewing sentiment for the witcher.
[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for The Witcher Season 2.]

How do Triss and Geralt know each other?
In the first season of The Witcher, Geralt meets Triss for the first time in episode 3. Geralt ventures to King Foltest’s (Shaun Dooley) kingdom after hearing another witcher ventured there for a job. When he arrives, he offers his services to the local miners to stop the monster that has been killing them off.
Later on, Triss reveals herself to Geralt and hires him personally to stop the monster. Together they look for answers and learn they are up against a Striga. The Striga is born from a curse and piece together it is Foltes’ts daughter born from incest.
Geralt saves the princess but is horribly wounded. When he wakes up, Triss is treating him and assures the princess is safe. She shows Geralt kindness and tells him something great is waiting for him.
Triss has feelings for the White Wolf in ‘The Witcher’ Season 2

Triss remeets Geralt in episode 4 of The Witcher Season 2. While Ciri and Geralt are training in the forest, Triss appears and heals the wound on Ciri’s cheek. Geralt is happy to see Triss after so many years. When she arrives at Kaer Morhen, she is welcomed with open arms and is familiar with the witchers and Vesemir (Kim Bodnia).
Geralt and Triss seem to have a good relationship as companions. He trusts her to help with Ciri and her possible powers. As they walk the hallway, Triss shows her sympathy for losing Eskel (Basil Eidenbenz) and Geralt says the same about Sodden.
At the beginning of the season, Geralt believes Yennefer is dead while Triss knows it is a lie. She goes into an emotional speech about how Geralt feels pain, emotions, sadness, and even love. She grabs his hand with a hopeful gaze. Triss asks him to stay with her for the night and to “not be alone.” But Geralt moves away and apologizes.
What do Triss’s feelings for Geralt mean?
The one moment between the two characters in episode 4 will have fans questioning its importance. Triss’s emotions toward Geralt seem abrupt. Their history in the series is a bit muddy and unclear. They met when fighting the Striga but never again until The Witcher Season 2. But Triss has a good repertoire with the witchers implying they met again afterward.
Fans are unaware of when Triss developed feelings for Geralt and the season never explains it. Triss is aware Geralt loves Yennefer when he refuses to hear the names of the dead at Sodden. Instead of trying to correct him, she tries to persuade him to spend the night.
While Triss’s feelings are rejected, she shows no signs of ill intent. For the rest of the season, she is willing to help Ciri uncover her powers. But fans are unsure where Triss stands when she uncovers Ciri could destroy humanity and tells Tissaia (MyAnna Buring).
According to a Reddit thread, Triss and Geralt’s story is much more complicated in the games. So much so, it creates friction between Triss and Yennefer. The Witcher series has yet to show how a possible love triangle will play out