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Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) is having a rough time on The Young and the Restless. His latest turmoil stems from his breakup with Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope). However, a little bundle of joy could reunite the exes.

'The Young and the Restless' star Mark Grossman wearing a black suit; poses on the red carpet of the 2022 Daytime Emmys.
The Young and the Restless star Mark Grossman I Stewart Cook/CBS via Getty Images

Sally Spectra could be pregnant with Adam Newman’s baby on ‘The Young and the Restless’

Dumping Sally was the most heart-wrenching and stupid moment of Adam’s life. Although he loved Sally, he did what he thought was best. Now Adam’s realized what a terrible mistake he made.

However, it’s too little too late for Adam. Sally’s moved on with his brother Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow), which has reignited their sibling rivalry. Adam continued to make a play for Sally even though she was with Nick.

Sally still had feelings for Adam and slept with him one last time. However, after their fling, she sent him packing, declaring she didn’t want him. But Sally’s fling with Adam caused more trouble than she realized. Sally’s pregnant, and Adam may be the baby’s father.

Fans want Adam Newman to be the baby’s father

The Young and the Restless is preparing for another who’s the daddy storyline with Sally, Adam, and Nick. The mystery over baby Spectra’s father will play out over the next nine months. Fans are already voicing who they want to be the father.

On a Reddit thread, many viewers want Adam to be the father of Sally’s child. “I never wanted this story, first of all; second, if there has to be a kid, make it Adam’s. Nick has Noah, Summer, Faith, and Christian (Adam’s son). Nick has enough kids; he doesn’t need any more. Nick’s already raising one of Adam’s kids; let Adam have this one,” wrote one user.

“Exactly. I’d love to see Adam raise the child alone, with Sally leaving to focus on her career. He’d be awesome. I hate that they left Christian with Nick,” another commenter replied.

“The best would be that she has twins, and one is Nick’s and one is Adam’s,” suggested one viewer.

Lots of paternity shenanigans coming in this ‘The Young and the Restless’ storyline

Like many who’s the daddy storylines, this one will be full of twists. Although Adam could be the father of Sally’s baby, many people will try to keep him from his child. Nick and Chloe Mitchell (Elizabeth Hendrickson) are two people who will protect Sally and her baby from “evil” Adam.


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Sally may lie about Nick being the father because she feels he’s the safer choice. Or there may be tampering with her test results. Plus, let’s not forget Victor Newman (Eric Braeden). He won’t be happy about Sally carrying his grandchild and will be plotting to remove her from his family’s lives.

Sally’s pregnancy will be filled with drama. Yet, what happens after the baby’s birth will be interesting. Adam and Sally’s love story is far from over. Although the odds are stacked against them, their baby could reunite them.