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The relationship between Kate and Marc on This Is Us is one that’s helped viewers see how Kate was shaped and how it formed her decisions later in life. If one can say she had a tendency to hang on to an abusive relationship a little too long, there isn’t any record yet of when she really broke up with Marc.

Many fans are wondering if the past story of Marc and Kate will extend a little longer rather than ending too soon. For some viewers, this story had more to tell and might have ended a little too quickly than it should have.

After seeing how sadistic Marc could be at times, though, it’s hard to imagine Kate hung on for much longer. Viewers will probably find out before Season 4 ends.

Will Kate realize her love story with Marc was nothing but toxic?

Austin Abrams as Marc, Hannah Zeile as Kate on This Is Us
Austin Abrams as Marc, Hannah Zeile as Kate | Ron Batzdorff/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

This Is Us fans are already speculating on whether the weekend Kate spent with an unknown person was Marc or Molly. Latter is apparently one of young Kate’s friends who she claimed she was spending the weekend with after seemingly escaping Marc’s clutches.

Viewers saw Marc kicked out of the family cabin when he admitted to locking Kate out in the cold. The teen versions of Kevin and Randall almost pulverized Marc for his actions, and Rebecca told him to leave and never come back.

What if Kate can’t stay away from Marc, though? Speculation is she lied about the weekend stay with Molly and really spent it with Marc…again.

If so, it may lead to some more serious drama that’s probably beneficial for the series. With deep dives like this into what toxic relationships are sometimes like, it’ll uncover more about the psyche of adult Kate.

The Season 4 finale might have a cliffhanger involving Kate and Marc

A lot of open ends exist in what this year’s season finale will bring. At the top of the list, of course, will be the widening rift between Kevin and Randall over the proper care of Rebecca. However, finding out Kate simply can’t stay away from Marc may be another cliffhanger from the past timeline.

There’s already indications Kate can’t quit Marc completely, including after the incident of him abandoning her out of his car and calling her a derogatory term. His angry outbursts occur at the most random moments, something the show gets right about how most abusive relationships operate.

Since Marc goes from being a deeply caring and loving individual into a monster at the blink of an eye, Kate probably thinks she can tame his flame. Yes, it’s the typical psychological response of being attracted to bad boys, something not explored enough in many TV dramas.

Extending out their relationship would offer more insight into why this occurs, especially with Kate who’s grappling with the loss of her dad at this time. On Reddit, some speculate it could lead to a more dramatic and tragic outcome.

What will the final straw be in ending the relationship with Marc?

Some are concerned Marc ended up raping teen Kate, possibly leading to a secret abortion. Having a scenario like this would reshape everything about Kate’s future, including her marriage to Toby, plus when losing her first child.

Even if this doesn’t happen, Kate and Marc may sleep together if they haven’t already. In some ways, this may be why Kate can’t stay away from Marc, no matter if she can’t realize he’s the dominant one.

Their real breakup may have to end up being far more dramatic than the scene in the cabin. As a new TV version of Romeo and Juliet, something worse may have to happen before Kate realizes she needs to distance herself away from Marc as soon as possible.

Don’t be surprised to see an adult Marc somewhere down the line as well to see whether he changed or ultimately stayed the same.