‘This Is Us’ Season 6: Kevin’s Wearing a Ring in ‘Miguel’ Episode
NBC’s This Is Us Season 6 finale will conclude the Pearson family saga, and the Big Three will focus on Rebecca’s caretaking moving forward. Prior to Miguel’s death, Kevin and Sophie reconnected after stepping away from each other’s lives for years. And fans noticed an important detail regarding their relationship in episode 15 — and that’s that Kevin’s wearing a ring.
What did Kevin do to Sophie on ‘This Is Us’? They reconnected at Kate’s wedding

Before Kevin and Sophie got back together at Kate’s wedding in This Is Us Season 6, they went through plenty of ups and downs together. Kevin and Sophie met as children when Sophie moved to town and joined Kevin’s school. She was introduced to Kevin when she joined his class, and he created the infamous Valentine’s Day card for her. He carried around the card in his wallet for decades and finally showed her in season 6 episode 14.
Kevin and Sophie became fast friends after Sophie and Kate developed a close friendship at age 10. Then, right after high school, Kevin and Sophie married. But their relationship took a nosedive when Kevin moved to Los Angeles and Sophie headed to New York. Kevin cheated on Sophie, and they ended their marriage after that.
While they both pursued other relationships and saw each other occasionally through the years, they rekindled their love at Kate’s wedding to Phillip. Kate explained she and Grant divorced. From there, Kevin and Sophie gave their romance another try.
Fans noticed Kevin’s wearing a ring in episode 15, ‘Miguel’

This Is Us Season 6 Episode 15, titled “Miguel,” focused on Rebecca’s husband. Fans saw Miguel’s backstory with his family and more of his relationship with Rebecca through the years. Sadly, he died by the end of the episode. But fans noticed something very important regarding Kevin and Sophie — and that’s that Kevin’s wearing a ring during the episode. This means he and Sophie tied the knot at some point in the future, as Kevin’s wearing the ring during a flash-forward scene.
Fans on Reddit suspect Kevin and Sophie tied the knot after seeing Miguel care so heavily for Rebecca. Other fans believe the scene with Kevin wearing the ring signified years in the future.
“I’m sure Sophie being a nurse has helped Kevin to better understand what Miguel went through caring for Rebecca,” a Reddit user noted.
“They must have dated for a couple of years, things were good, and they decided to marry sooner rather than later so that both Miguel and to some extent Rebecca could participate,” another fan guessed.
“With all of the sadness in the episode, it was also nice to see those quick scenes of Kevin/Sophie,” another fan wrote. “I’m glad to see them happily married. Them ending up together made the most sense to me.”
Sophie will support Kevin through the end of ‘This Is Us’ Season 6, Alexandra Breckenridge says

It’s still unclear exactly what goes down during the This Is Us Season 6 finale. But Sophie actor Alexandra Breckenridge says she plays a major role in supporting Kevin. Given the This Is Us Season 6 Episode 16 trailer, the Big Three come together to discuss who will become Rebecca’s caretaker until her death. It’s likely Breckenridge refers to Sophie caring for Kevin after Rebecca’s death.
“But as we close in on the end of the show, and we have this looming deathbed that’s been teased over the last few seasons in the future, Sophie’s going to be a great sense of support and stability for Kevin,” Breckenridge tells People.
This Is Us Season 6 airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on NBC.
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