‘Twilight’: Kristen Stewart Revealed Bella ‘Wears the Pants’ in Her Relationship With Edward
Though Kristen Stewart was a working actor long before she was cast in the Twilight movies, portraying Bella Swan changed her life. Not only did she become one of the most recognized celebrities on the planet, but the films also ensured that she would have financial security for the rest of her life. Stewart’s portrayal of the lovestruck human turned vampire in Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn – Part 1, and Breaking Dawn – Part 2 is impossible to forget. But what drew Stewart to the project to begin with?

Superfans of the Twilight movies will recall that Stewart was the first person to be cast in the project. In fact, the actor was present at the auditions for the casting of Edward Cullen and Jacob Black and she even credits herself for the casting of Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Stewart was really excited about bringing Edward and Bella’s love story to life, but she certainly had some reservations prior to auditioning.
Kristen Stewart wasn’t interested in being cast in ‘Twilight’ until she read the script
When Stewart first learned about Twilight, she wasn’t that interested. Though her representation was pushing her to read the script, Stewart wasn’t impressed by the synopsis of the story. In an interview with Female.com, the Happiest Season actor confessed that she found the description of Twilight “shallow” and “vain.” It wasn’t until she got her hands on the script that her mind was changed completley.
“When you try to sum up this movie in a couple sentences, it sounds trite and superficial,” the Twilight star shared. “But then I read the script, and it was just the opposite of that. And the power balance between these two characters – I mean, apart from just wanting to portray such an epic love story, which I thought was ambitious – and such a dire love story. I like that idea.”
The ‘Happiest Season’ actor reveals her favorite thing about Bella
Stewart continued on to share that she really loved how self-assured her Twilight character was, especially in comparison to Edward. The actor loved the dynamic between the pair and even felt that Bella had the majority of the power in their relationship. Despite Bella’s young age, she knows what she wants unequivocally, which isn’t necessarily true for Edward.
“It was that she wears the pants in this relationship,” Stewart siad about what really drew her to the Twilight movies. “I mean, you know, you have this guy who is 108 years old, and he hates himself. And he’s afraid of himself. And he’s afraid of her, and he’s afraid of his whole situation. And he’s just neurotic as all hell. And then you have this girl who doesn’t know anything about – she’s totally naïve to the entire situation. Yet she’s willing to submerse herself wholeheartedly, because she trusts herself. And I think a lot of people are like, ‘Oh, see? Well, that’s weak. That’s a weak character.’ No! She wants it. It’s something that she’s willing to overcome. So – and my favorite thing about Bella is, she trusts herself. She puts a lot of stock in her feelings. I admire that.”
Do fans of the ‘Twilight’ movie agree with Stewart’s sentiments?
Clearly, Twilight managed to subvert Stewart’s expectations. It’s interesting that she views Bella in such a powerful way. We wonder how many fans of the franchise share Stewart’s sentiments.