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Nick and Vanessa Lachey probably didn’t expect a hosting gig on Netflix to be a place they’d air their real-life marriage issues. But that’s exactly what’s happened on The Ultimatum

After the success Nick and Vanessa had helping cast members find romances on Love Is Blind, they joined Netflix again for hosting duties on a second reality TV series. This time, couples aren’t trying to find one another. Instead, they’re deciding whether the love they already have is enough to get engaged.

The Lacheys guide the cast through the ups, downs, and steamy dramas. They also give some private glimpses into their own relationship. 

Netflix’s ‘The Ultimatum’ puts the pressure on couples to marry or move on

The Ultimatum brings together a group of couples who all face the same problem: One half of the couple is ready to get married, and their partner is … not. The ultimatum that’s been issued is to get married or break up.

Adding a serious wrinkle to the experiment is the fact that the couples on the show will spend time living with another potential partner from the cast. The premise: They may get the opportunity to see that someone else is a better fit for their happily ever after. 

The show’s first season wrapped in mid-April, bringing plenty of the promised drama as well as some unhappy participants who feel their portrayal onscreen was manipulated. It’s also generated tons of buzz among viewers.

April went through Jake’s phone and sparked a confession from Nick and Vanessa Lachey

TV personality Vanessa Lachey and singer Nick Lachey pose for photos in 2018
Vanessa Lachey and Nick Lachey | Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

The show’s first season focuses heavily on the relationship between participants Jake Cunningham and April Melohn. After dating for two years, April pulled Jake onto the series with an ultimatum to propose. But things did not go as planned.

As a Netflix article introducing the couples put it, “Just one year after leaving the military, Jake wants to travel and become financially stable before he proposes to girlfriend April. But April, who wants a family as soon as possible.” The experiment did not push him to propose. Instead, Jake ended up getting cozy with fellow participant Rae Williams. April and Jake decided to go their separate ways at the series’ end.

Along the way, however, there was a scene where April went through Jake’s phone while he sleptt. Playing the part of good co-hosts, the Lacheys brought up this violation of privacy at the reunion. Vanessa started the convo by saying, “You went through Jake’s phone when he was sleeping. I’ve got mixed feelings about that. There was a time in my life when I did it.” 

Nick and Vanessa bantered back and forth, joking about how they cracked one another’s passwords before Vanessa got real about therapy: “Honestly, I remember we went to a therapist and she was like, ‘If ya’ll are going through each other’s phones then you shouldn’t be together.'” Ultimately, Vanessa agreed with the therapist. They broke the habit for the sake of their marriage. 

Nick and Vanessa Lachey have made other reveals about their marriage


The ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 2 Reunion Revealed More About Nick and Vanessa Lachey’s Marriage Than Fans Ever Knew

Spending so much time on reality TV shows means fans get a chance to learn a lot about the Lacheys. 

Another spicy moment came when participant Shanique Imari answers a question from Vanessa Lachey about a surprising fact she learned about a castmate. “That olive oil can be doubled as lube,” Imari quips. Without missing a beat, Lachey responds, “You know what else? Coconut oil. Moving on. Hey. And it also smells good. Tropical.” 

It wasn’t all racy reveals and past dramas from the couple either. Nick Lachey took an opportunity to get sentimental about his wife: “It goes without saying, but it isn’t just about the two of you anymore. It’s about this life you’re creating, this family you’re creating, which is the most beautiful thing, best thing I’ve ever done.”

He looked right at his wife before adding, “I think best thing we’ve ever done.”