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‘Venom 2’ Creeps Up on ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Domestic Box Office With $200 Million

‘Venom 2’ broke $200 million domestically, inching it closer to ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ domestic box office performance. While both movies were panned by critics, both the Tom Hardy and Andrew Garfield-led movies managed to break $200 million domestically, and even more internationally.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage has not gotten the hottest reviews. However, its domestic box office has slowly built over its theatrical run. Venom 2 could surpass Andrew Garfield’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 domestic box office performance at its current pace. After a weekend push earning the Tom Hardy superhero flick almost $4 million, the Spider-Man villain could overtake the webhead this time.

Tom Hardy and Jenny Slate at the 'Venom' premiere
Tom Hardy and Jenny Slate | Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

What was ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ domestic box office compared to ‘Venom 2?

Critics panned both The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Venom 2. However, fan support pushed hard enough for both movies to break $200 million domestically.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 follows Garfield’s second outing as the webhead as he battled Electro (Jamie Foxx). However, he also has to deal with the return of Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan).

When The Amazing Spider-Man 2 released in 2014, it earned $202,853,933, according to The Numbers. It did not prove the massive smash hit that Sony hoped.

However, the film performed better internationally, earning $506,142,403 for a global total of $708,996,336.

It just barely earned back its $200 million budget domestically. While Venom 2 looks to overtake the domestic side of things, it still has an uphill climb to pass The Amazing Spider-Man 2’s other numbers.

How close is ‘Venom 2’ to passing ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ domestic box office?

Venom: Let There Be Carnage picked up after the first Venom movie in 2018. Eddie Brock has learned to deal with Venom and his more violent habits. However, when serial killer Cletus Kasady gains a symbiote of his own, Venom needs to stop him before more people get hurt.

In its seventh weekend in Nov., Venom 2 earned nearly $4 million domestically. More specifically, it netted $3.83 million “in weekend seven for a $202.5 million domestic cume as it approaches the $202.8 million cume of The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” Forbes reported.

However, when it comes to the international and worldwide numbers, Venom 2 has a long way to go before passing The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

As of weekend seven, The Spider-Man villain solo movie grossed $227,600,000 internationally for a global total of $430,227,345.

While Venom 2 might pass The Amazing Spider-Man 2 domestically, it still has around $278 million to go before surpassing the global box office performance.

The theatrical run of Sony’s movie will slow down significantly in December

If Andy SerkisVenom 2 wants to pass The Amazing Spider-Man 2, it likely needs to do it before Dec.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage releases on DVD on Dec. 14, 2021.


‘Venom 2’: Could Carnage Spawn More Symbiote Spider-Man Villains?

Sony announced that the movie would not stream while it played in theaters. However, once consumers can watch it in their homes, the numbers are sure to drop.

When Venom 2 becomes available for streaming, it likely marks the end of its theatrical run. Only time will tell what final numbers Eddie Brock can put up.