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Based on the books by Robyn Carr, Virgin River is one of Netflix’s most highly-rated shows. The series is set in a fictional small town in northern California. The show spotlights Mel Monroe (Alexandra Breckenridge) and Jack Sheridan (Martin Henderson), a nurse and bartender. The pair strike up a romance when Mel moves to town. Now, Jack’s sister Brie (Zibby Allen) may be finding herself in the middle of her own romantic triangle.

In season 3 Brie falls for Brady (Ben Hollingsworth), the town’s bad boy who has been arrested for shooting Jack. Now Allen has just hinted at a possible romance between her character and Detective Mike Valenzuela (Marco Grazzini).

Zibby Allen as Brie wearing a checkered shirt in 'Virgin River'
Zibby Allen as Brie in ‘Virgin River’ | Netflix

Mike may have framed Brady on ‘Virgin River’

Fans were shocked when Brady was arrested in the Virgin River Season 3 finale. Though he and Jack have certainly had their differences, it seems unfathomable that Brady would try to kill his former comrade. Fans were also suspicious of how gleeful Mike was to arrest Brady.

In fact, they think he may have set Brady up so that he could pursue Brie. After all, when Brie first arrived in Virgin River, Mike flirted with her. She brushed him off and fell for Brady instead. During his arrest of Brady, Mike seemed eager to point out his interest in Brie.

“Brie, if you wanna stick around, it’s your call,” he said. “But if you want my opinion, you’re wasting your time. You could do a whole lot better.” When he said “a whole lot better” Mike is suggesting himself.

Interestingly enough, in Robyn Carr’s Virgin River books, Brie dates Mike, not Brady.

Zibby Allen hinted at a romance between Mike and Brie

Now, Allen has hinted at a possible romance between Mike and Brie. On the Chatting With B podcast, the actor talked about where her character will be in season 4.

“She has this avenue of distraction to pour herself into, which is Brady’s case and whether or not he shot Jack,” she said via Express. “We’ll see her put on her lawyer hat and step into that side of her life and personality where she draws a lot of strength. I think that ends up being really useful for her in terms of giving her some footing a good foundation to feel like herself again.”

Allen also added that Brie and Mike do grow closer. “She does get closer with Mike and she finds herself in the criminal web of Calvin,” she explained. “A lot of those things are equal distractions that she probably welcomes but also compounds the stress of Bree’s emotional journey.”


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Mike could be hiding a dark secret on ‘Virgin River’

If Brie does end up hooking up with Mike, we just hope she’s careful. After all, fans have been long-convinced that the former Marine has been hiding a very dark secret. While Jack and Preacher (Collin Lawrence) have always vouched for Mike, the detective and Brady have always had quite a bit of animosity toward each other.

From what we understand, it all appears to stem from a tour that the men did together in Afghanistan. Mike appears to be trying to hide something that Brady knows about. Hopefully, this big secret along with who shot Jack will be made plain in season 4.

“If we get the actual reveal [in season 4], it would detail more of how this all was intertwined,” Virgin River showrunner Sue Tenney told Us Weekly. “The webbing of that story goes all the way back to the first season, so it’s a connective tissue that goes through four seasons.”