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Claudia Conway recently made an appearance on American Idol, and it’s pushing her relationship with her mother, Kellyanne Conway, into the spotlight. Those who follow the Conway family know the mother-daughter duo don’t get along. So, what happened between Claudia and her famous mom, Kellyanne? Here’s what we know.

Claudia Conway has a different political stance than Kellyanne Conway

Claudia Conway standing and laughing next to her father on the 'American Idol' stage
Claudia Conway with her father on ‘American Idol’ | Christopher Willard via Getty Images

Kellyanne served as Senior Counselor to President Donald Trump, and this put a huge wedge between her and Claudia. Claudia’s just 16 years old, and she’s used public social media profiles, like TikTok, to condemn Trump, Insider notes. This, of course, leads to complicated feelings within her family.

Claudia has attained a ton of attention thanks to TikTok, too. She currently has over 1 million followers, and she’s often shown giving support to the Black Lives Matter movement and anti-Trump sentiments.

“Growing up when your mom is Kellyanne Conway, it’s really, really hard to disassociate yourself with that image, because people look at me and are like, ‘Oh, that’s Kellyanne Conway’s daughter, she must love Trump,'” Claudia expressed in an interview. “In reality, I really don’t.”

As Claudia gained more fame and notoriety for her TikTok presence, the tension in her household seemed to escalate. She then announced that her parents were “forcing” her to delete her social media profiles amidst the chaos.

Claudia Conway pushed for emancipation from her parents

It seems Claudia and Kellyanne’s troubling relationship got to be too much for the 16-year-old. “I’m officially pushing for emancipation,” she posted to Twitter on Aug. 22, 2020. “Buckle up, because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. Welcome to my life.”

As for why Claudia was hoping to emancipate, she noted it was because of the “trauma” she experienced during her upbringing. She also noted it didn’t have to do with Kellyanne’s job. “Y’all love to twist everything,” Claudia tweeted on Aug. 23. “I’m not getting emancipated because of my mom’s job. It is because of years of childhood trauma and abuse.”

As for the specific “abuse” Claudia endured, she didn’t say. But Bustle notes Claudia claimed her mom had her arrested for “false allegations,” though we’re not sure if this actually occurred.

Claudia Conway talked about her relationship with her mom on ‘American Idol’

It doesn’t seem like Claudia and Kellyanne always had a tumultuous relationship. In fact, Bustle notes Claudia’s said great things about her mother before. “I love my parents,” Claudia once stated in an interview. “They are the most generous, most well-educated people I have ever met. I look up to them and want nothing but success and good fortune for them. They are my parents and that trumps all — no pun intended.”

During Claudia’s American Idol audition, she also touched on her relationship with Kellyanne. Prior to her audition, Kellyanne virtually visited Claudia and gave her plenty of encouragement.

“She loves me, I love her, it’s just, I feel like our relationship’s just a little … it’s a little iffy,” Claudia shared with the show’s judges. “Most of my life, my feelings have been suppressed. So then I got social media, and now my voice is being heard.” Claudia then explained that her ultimate goal is to become a singer, and she wants to remove herself from the drama.

It looks like Claudia has moved on to the next round of American Idol, so we’re looking forward to seeing how she does going forward.

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