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Brad Pitt’s personal life and career have often been the subject of front page news. These days, many fans are probably well aware of his custody battle with Angelina Jolie and his current movie project. However, something that has not been talked about much is Pitt’s religious affiliations. Religion plays an interesting role in Pitt’s life, so read on below to learn more about which faith he identifies with (if any).

Brad Pitt grew up in a Christian family

Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt | Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

Pitt was born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, and later grew up in Springfield, Missouri. He spent a lot of time in rural areas of the Bible belt, so it is not surprising his family was religious when he was growing up. Pitt once described his household as “First Baptist, which is the cleaner, stricter, by-the-book Christianity.”

His parents were definitely strict about many things related to their faith. Pitt was told a lot about certain things that he could not do, such as listen to rock music.

Brad Pitt questioned his faith early on

When Pitt was in high school and college, he began to question certain beliefs surrounding Christianity.

“Many people find religion to be very inspiring,” he said in a press conference in 2011. “Myself, I found it very stifling. I grew up with Christianity and I remember questioning it greatly. Some things didn’t work for me. Some things did.”

He continued: “I grew up being told God is going to take care of everything and it doesn’t always work out that way. And then you’re told ‘Well, it’s God’s will.’ I got my issues. Man, you don’t want to get me started.”

He also once told Parade that it did not make sense to him how both Christian revivals and rock concerts were moving and emotional, yet one of them was considered “the Devil’s music.” It led him to want to “experience things religion said not to experience.”

Brad Pitt identified as agnostic and atheist for some time

This crisis in his faith made Pitt not identify with any religion for a while. In a recent interview with GQ, he shared that he went through many years where he simply called himself agnostic. Later, he also identified as atheist.

In 2009, he said that he was “20 percent atheist and 80 percent agnostic.” However, Pitt also added: “I don’t think anyone really knows. You’ll either find out or not when you get there, until then there’s no point thinking about it.”

These days, he is still not deeply religious either, though Pitt admitted to GQ that he does believe in a sort of spirituality – one that says “we’re all connected.”

Brad Pitt recently went to Kanye West’s Sunday Service

While Pitt has stepped away from Christianity for a long time now, he has not completely abandoned the faith. He recently attended one of Kanye West’s famous Sunday Services, which is said to be full of gospel and all-things Christian.

Pitt seemed to have a good time at the service. He called it “a pure celebration of life and people” and that it was “really delightful.”

West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, once shared that the Sunday Services are not meant to be church. “It’s more of just a healing experience,” she said. “There’s no praying, there’s no sermon, no word, just music, and just a feeling — and it’s Christian.”

West himself was also someone who grew up in a Christian household and later rejected the religion. This definitely is a reason why West’s services are different from what one would expect from a church service. Perhaps this is why West’s event spoke to Pitt, seeing as the two men have a lot in common.